100% Completion Breakdown
A breakdown of everything you need to do in GTA Advance for 100% game completion and how much percentage they each award.
There are a total of 65 objectives which must be completed for 100%.
Story Missions - 63.08%
There are 41 story missions to complete in total. 1.5384615385% is awarded immediately after each mission is completed.
- Jump Start
- Dirty Laundry
- Hot Wheels
- Ill-Gotten
- Payback
- Fake IDs
- Getaway
- Twisted Metal
- Ill Repute
- Droppin' Bombs
- Scorelli
- Love Boat
- Time's Up
- Sober Driver
- Happy Hour
- Grand Opening
- Pocket Rocket
- Political Will
- Show the Money
- Race to Run
- Latin Coffee
- The Big Score
- Fine Dining
- Flying High
- Factory Wages
- School's Out
- Kid's a Hero
- Ante Up
- Two-Hand Toss
- Scorned Lover
- Sue Me Sushi
- Down the River
- Bad Pimpin'
- Mystery Killer
- Decoy Disaster
- Truth Revealed
- Love of Money
- Taking Revenge
- Smackdown
- Assault Joint
- Freedom Flies
Street Races - 4.62%
There are 18 street races to complete in total. 1.5384615385% is awarded each time you complete all races on an island.
- Portland - 6 Races
- Staunton Island - 6 Races
- Shoreside Vale - 6 Races
Vehicle Side Missions - 20%
Completing all of the below objectives (13 in total) will award a total of 20%.
Taxi Driver - 3.08%
In total you must complete 100 fares, however 1.5384615385% is awarded after 50 fares and again at 100.
- Complete 50 Fares
- Complete 100 Fares
Paramedic - 3.08%
You must complete all 12 levels of the paramedic missions, however 1.5384615385% is awarded after level 8 (36 patients), and again after the completion of level 12.
- Rescue 36 patients
- Complete Level 12
Firefighter - 4.62%
You must extinguish 20 fires on each island. 1.5384615385% is awarded after the 20th fire is put out on each island.
- Extinguish 20 fires in Portland
- Extinguish 20 fires on Staunton Island
- Extinguish 20 fires in Shoreside Vale
Vigilante - 9.23%
You must kill 20 criminals on each island, however 1.5384615385% is awarded after every 10th kill on each island.
- Kill 10 criminals in Portland
- Kill 20 criminals in Portland
- Kill 10 criminals on Staunton Island
- Kill 20 criminals on Staunton Island
- Kill 10 criminals in Shoreside Vale
- Kill 20 criminals in Shoreside Vale
Hidden Packages - 6.15%
There are 100 hidden packages to collect across the three islands. 1.5384615385% is awarded after every 25 packages collected. View our Hidden Packages guide, including screenshots and a map.
- Collect 25 hidden packages
- Collect 50 hidden packages
- Collect 75 hidden packages
- Collect 100 hidden packages
Rampages - 4.62%
There are 21 rampages to complete across the three islands. You'll receive 1.5384615385% each time you complete all rampages on an island.
- Complete all 7 rampages in Portland
- Complete all 7 rampages on Staunton Island
- Complete all 7 rampages in Shoreside Vale
Side Missions - 1.54%
You must complete a single game of Demolition Football for 1.5384615385%.