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Mystery Killer

Published by Psy
Last Updated

Mike must choose to meet XOX at Wichita Gardens, or Cisco at the airport.

Option 1: If you chose to go to the pager location meet, XOX will basically tell his guys to get you.

Option 2: If you opted to head to the airport to see Cisco instead, you'll see an extra cutscene then Cisco will send you to Wichita Gardens anyway.

Easy Work

After speaking to the goons in Wichita Gardens you'll need to kill the five or so enemies who are hovering around the area. They're not difficult at all. Once they're all dead, Cisco will tell you to meet him at his headquarters near the airport.

Mission Passed!

  • Reward: $10,000 - $15,000
  • If Mike starts the mission at Wichita Gardens, you'll receive $10,000.
  • Starting the mission at the airport with Cisco will reward Mike with $15,000.
  • Mission Unlocked: Decoy Disaster
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