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Jump Start

Published by Psy
Last Updated

Jump Start

Vinnie wants to make a deal with the Mafia, and you're the driver.

Driving The "Brit"

Enter GTA Advance's take on a Mini Cooper, and make your way towards the blip on the radar where the meeting with the Mafia is taking place. Once you arrive, pull into the blue mission marker to view a cutscene.

To The Hideout

After the discussion, you'll be told to make your way to the hideout, which is marked by a pink house icon on the radar, so drive there now.

Once you reach it, walk into the blue marker where you'll be told about the safehouse, your 'safehouse items' and how to save the game.

Mission Passed!

  • Reward: None
  • The safehouse in Hepburn Heights is now unlocked.
  • You can freely explore Portland. There are 33 hidden packages to collect and 7 rampages to complete.
  • You can also steal a Taxi to perform Taxi Driver missions, an Ambulance for Paramedic Missions, a Police Car for Vigilante Missions or a Firetruck for Firefighter missions.
  • Mission Unlocked: Dirty Laundry
Unlike many of the other GTA games, there's no way to save a vehicle at any of your safehouses in GTA Advance.
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