Ill Repute
8-Ball thinks he can learn more about Vinnie's death by having Mike pimp some girls to high-rolling clients.
You've got 4 minutes to pick up 3 girls and deliver them separately to their specified locations. You'll need to be in a vehicle to start this mission.
Special Delivery
From the start of the mission, my preferred choice is to head South in order to pick up the girl from there first. She'll want to be taken to the North West of Portland.
Next, head South to the next girl, who will want to be taken even further South. Nice and simple.
Finally, head North again to the one remaining girl up there. She'll want to be taken South once more.
You should be able to pass this mission with around 2 minutes remaining so the time limit isn't too challenging.
Mission Passed!
- Reward: $4000
- Mission Unlocked: Droppin' Bombs