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Published by Psy
Last Updated


GTA Advance's Liberty City has a variety of weapons to dish out pain to your enemies. Read all about them.

Icon Details
Gta Advance Unarmed Icon Unarmed
These are attached to Mike's arms. Useful when you have nothing else, but not the most efficient killing machines.
Gta Advance Bat Icon Bat
More powerful than the fists, but takes awhile to take down enemies. Most of the gang members found on the streets carry these. Splatting one with your car is a good way to obtain one.
Gta Advance Pistol Icon Pistol
Mike appears to hold dual-pistols, firing them one after the other.
Max Ammo: 72
Gta Advance Shotgun Icon Shotgun
One of the most powerful weapons in the game and can take down most enemies in a single shot. The spread also makes it easier to hit groups of enemies. Does huge damage to cars too.
Max Ammo: 24
Gta Advance Uz-I Icon Uz-I
Similar to the pistol however Mike fires it much quicker.
Max Ammo: 90
Gta Advance Ak47 Icon AK-47
Longer range than the Uz-I and you can't move while firing it, but does a lot of damage.
Max Ammo: 72
Gta Advance Flamethrower Icon Flamethrower
One of the best weapons in the game. Pretty economical on ammo usage but dishes out large damage to both enemies and vehicles.
Max Ammo: 6 Cannisters (45 shots per cannister)
Gta Advance Rocket Launcher Icon Rocket Launcher
The first time you attempt to fire the Rocket Launcher, you'll switch to a zoom-aim mode. Firing again will actually launch the rocket, or you can move Mike to reset the shot.
Max Ammo: 6
Gta Advance Minigun Icon Minigun
Great for dishing out a lot of damage quickly, but it's unable to hit enemies who are too close to Mike.
Max Ammo: 150
Gta Advance Katana Icon Katana
More powerful than the baseball bat, making it the most useful melee weapon you can find.
Gta Advance Molotov Icon Molotov
When you need to set things on fire from a distance, throwing one of these does a great job.
Max Ammo: 8
Gta Advance Grenade Icon Grenade
Pretty difficult to use when you're being chased by angry gangsters, but great for taking out vehicles.
Max Ammo: 8
Gta Advance Car Bomb Icon Car Bomb
Switching to this weapon inside a vehicle (once you're acquired one) will allow you to rig a bomb on the vehicle. It won't blow until you fire the detonator though, which you'll automatically acquire when planting a bomb.
Max Ammo: 6
Gta Advance Detonator Icon Detonator
Acquired when you plant a car bomb. Move away from the rigged vehicle and fire to make the car go boom.
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