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Submissions We Want
  • News. Anything we haven't posted yet.
  • Rumors or any GTA game information we're missing.
  • Any new images or fan art. Please include details of the creator where possible so we can give credit where it's due.
  • Advertising enquiries (we've got to pay the bills!)
  • Website staff / guest writer applications. If you're passionate about GTA like us and want to help us create and maintain great content, let us know what you can do.
  • Website problems / requests. If something isn't working or we can do it better, let us know.
Submissions We Don't Need
  • News about other games or subjects. At this site, we're only interested in GTA and Rockstar Games.
  • Images we've already got.
  • Abuse or spam - We're fans of GTA just like you. Play nice.

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