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Grand Theft Auto Advance Guides

Uncover detailed guides, maps, and walkthroughs for GTA Advance, the handheld adventure that takes you back to Liberty City with classic top-down action and a gripping prequel story!

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Showing 31-47 of 47 GTA Advance Guides

GTA Advance Guides

Dirty Laundry
The Mafia want you to take out Federico, a drug dealer who's been using more of their product than he's been selling.
Show The Money
Jonnie tells Mike he's in a lot of debt to King Courtney from Staunton Island and needs quick money from a guy who's been playing with marked cards.
Political Will
If the smoking ban comes into force, it'll be bad for business. Jonnie needs Mike to change the senator's mind.
Pocket Rocket
Jonnie would like Mike to acquire a rocket launcher from the docks.
Grand Opening
Jonnie wants you to blow up a disco across the street because their grand opening is going to bring the wrong type of people to the area.
Happy Hour
Jonnie wants you to use his monster truck to pick up his "Special Brew".
Sober Driver
Jonnie asks you to give his girlfriend a ride home since she’s had too much to drink. Her father is a politician, so it might be wise to stay on his good side.
Time's Up
Jonnie wants Mike to kill some people who owe him money. You have 4 minutes to wipe out enemies around Portland.
Love Boat
8-Ball has discovered that Vinnie was due to meet a bartender called Jonnie at the docks.
8-Ball wants Mike to dish out revenge on a guy called Scorelli for putting his friend in the hospital.
Droppin' Bombs
8-Ball has rigged a car with a bomb and wants you to deliver it without blowing yourself up in the process.
Twisted Metal
8-Ball wants you to get rid of a body at the car crusher.
Vinnie is nowhere to be found in Chinatown.
Fake IDs
Vinnie informs Mike that you're going to need some fake IDs before you can leave the city and he knows a guy who can help.
The Mafia aren't happy with the Trenton Hoods' disrespect. Teach some of them a lesson.
Hot Wheels
Vinnie explains that the Mafia have agreed to help you get out of the city, but they need you to collect a real fast car first.
The Mafia want some protection money to be collected from Trenton, and Mike is the guy to do it.