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Free Rampage Ammo

Published by Psy

Check out this neat trick to obtain free ammo for any weapon used for a rampage in GTA Advance.

When you start a rampage, you’ll be given infinite ammo for the weapon in use, however, you’ll also be given some actual ammo for that weapon too.

For free ammo, start a rampage, quit and save your game, then reload your saved game.

You'll respawn next to the rampage but keep the ammo you were awarded, allowing you to repeat this process over and over to max out your ammo for free.

Simply find the rampage which uses the weapon for which you want free ammo, then follow the above steps.

Step 1: Find A Rampage

GTA Advance Rampage Ammo Trick 1

Step 2: Start The Rampage

GTA Advance Rampage Ammo Trick 2

Step 3: Save and Quit

GTA Advance Rampage Ammo Trick 3

GTA Advance Rampage Ammo Trick 4

Step 4: Reload Game, Note Ammo Has Increased

GTA Advance Rampage Ammo Trick 5

Repeat As Desired

Keep going until you max out your desired ammo!

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