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Grand Theft Auto Guides

Guides, maps, checklists and walkthroughs to help you achieve 100% completion for every Grand Theft Auto game!

Here at iGTA we've got hundreds of guides and walkthroughs covering every single GTA game. Use the filters below to jump to a specific section or keep scrolling to see everything.

Showing 1-10 of 10 100% Completion Guides

100% Completion Guides

100% Completion Breakdown
A breakdown of everything you need to do in GTA Advance for 100% game completion and how much percentage they each award.
100% Completion Checklist
Check out our interactive checklist, allowing you to tick off each objective on the way to 100% completion in GTA San Andreas!
100% Completion Breakdown
A breakdown of everything you need to do in GTA Vice City for 100% game completion and how much percentage they each award.
100% Completion Checklist
Check out our interactive checklist, allowing you to tick off each objective on the way to 100% completion in GTA Vice City!
100% Completion Breakdown
A breakdown of everything you need to do in GTA 3 for 100% game completion and how much percentage they each award.
100% Completion Checklist
Check out our interactive checklist, allowing you to tick off each objective on the way to 100% completion in GTA III!
100% Completion Checklist
Check out our interactive checklist, allowing you to tick off each objective on the way to 100% completion in GTA Advance!