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100% Completion Breakdown

Published by Psy
Last Updated

100% Completion Breakdown

Story Missions [60%]
Each story mission is worth 2.307692307692308%.
There are 26 story missions to complete which give percentage.

Night Club Manager [10%]
  • Complete 8 Night Club Manager Missions
  • Once you have completed 8 night club manager missions you will receive 10%.
  • To start the missions, enter Maisonette 9 and go into the manager office. Start the manager mode where you'll have to look around for dodgy people. Eventually you'll be told about something important through your ear piece, which are the night club missions.

Friend Activities [5%]
  • Once you have taken Armando and Henrique to all 7 activities (Air Hockey, Darts, Drinking, Eating, Pool, Golf, Strip Club), you will receive 5%.
  • You only have to do each of the activities once, and it doesn't matter if you win or lose. You'll get the percentage after you've safely taken them home.

Random Pedestrians [5%]
Once you have completed all missions for a random pedestrian, you will receive 1.666666666666667%.
There are 5 random pedestrian missions to complete (from 3 different pedestrians), giving a total of 5% available.

Some pedestrians have more than one mission. You will only be awarded the percentage after you have finished all of their missions.

The pedestrians you must meet and complete are:
  • Margot (x2)
  • Arnaud (x2)
  • Daisy

Activities [10%]
Each Activity is worth 1.428571428571429%.
There are 7 activities to complete in total.
You must complete the following:
  • Win The Cage Fighting Championship
  • Win a Champagne Drinking Contest
  • Complete the dance in both Maisonette 9 and Hercules
  • Win a game of Golf (against anyone)
  • Win a game of Air Hockey (against anyone)
  • Win a game of Darts (against anyone)
  • Win a game of Pool (against anyone)

Side Objectives [10%]
  • Triathlon Races
  • Once you have won all 3 of the races, you will receive 2.5%.
  • Base Jumps
  • Once you have completed all 15 of the base jumps, you will receive 2.5%.
  • Seagulls
  • Once you have killed all 50 seagulls, you will receive 2.5%.
  • Drug Wars
  • Once you have won at least 25 drug wars, you will receive 2.5%.

Special Thanks - GTARuler

Huge thanks goes out to GTARuler for assisting with the creation of the 100% Breakdown.
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