100% Completion Checklist
Check out our interactive checklist, allowing you to tick off each objective on the way to 100% completion in GTA Vice City!
100% In Grand Theft Auto Vice City
For 100% completion in GTA Vice City, you must complete pretty much everything the game has to offer. There are 154 essential objectives that contribute to your completion percentage. Each required objective adds precisely 0.6493506494% to your overall progress.
Rewards For 100% Completion
GTA Vice City is the first game in the series to provide awards to the player for reaching 100%. Upon completing all objectives, the player will earn:
- Increased maximum health to 200.
- Increased maximum body armor to 200.
- Infinite ammunition for all weapons.
- Ability to recruit 3 body guards from the Vercetti Estate for $2,000 each.
- The "Frankie" outfit ("I completed Vice City and all I got was this lousy t-shirt") unlocked inside the Vercetti Estate.
- Double health on any vehicle driven by Tommy Vercetti.
Not Required For 100%
You aren't obligated to do "everything" in the game for 100% completion. There are several side missions and tasks which are optional.
You do not need to do any of the following for 100% completion:
- Play the Keepie-Uppy Beach Ball mini-game.
- Play the bus minigame.
- Receive a good citizen bonus.
- Complete the additional 5 levels of Checkpoint Charlie.
- Reach Godfather criminal rating.
- Have "Ace" pilot ranking.
- Have "Stuff of Legends" media attention level.
- Maxing out your cash.
- Earning a perfect triple insane stunt bonus.
Your Completion
0% Complete!
You've completed 0/154 required objectives.
100% Completion Requirements
100% Breakdown
- Complete 34 Story Missions - 22.1%
- Complete 25 Asset Missions - 16.23%
- Complete 5 Payphone Assassinations* - 3.9%
- Complete 35 Rampages - 0.65%
- Collect 100 Hidden Packages - 6.5%
- Complete 36 Unique Stunt Jumps - 23.36%
- Rob 15 Stores - 0.65%
- Earn 45 points or more in the Ammu-Nation gun range - 0.65%
- Complete 3 Stadium Challenges - 1.95%
- Complete 6 Street Races - 3.9%
- Complete 3 RC Missions - 1.95%
- Complete 5 Vehicle Sub-Missions - 3.25%
- Complete 6 Checkpoint Challenges - 3.9%
- Complete 2 Dirt Track Checkpoint Challenges - 1.3%
- Purchase 7 Safe Houses - 4.54%
- Purchase 8 Businesses - 5.2%
* The 3rd Assassination mission, Autocide, is counted as 2 objectives and awards double the percentage upon completion.
Story Missions
There are 34 required story missions which award percentage worth around 22.1% in total.
Story Missions
Asset Objectives
There are 25 required asset-related objectives which award percentage worth around 16.23% in total.
Vercetti Estate
Pole Position Club
Cherry Popper Ice Cream
Sunshine Autos
Completion % is only increased when all cars on a list have been collected.
Kaufman Cabs
Movie Studio
Malibu Club
Payphone Assassinations
There are 5 required payphone assassination missions worth around 3.9% in total. For some reason 'Autocide' counts as 2 objectives and awards double the % of other assassination missions.
Assassination Missions
There is only 1 single rampage-based objective which requires completing all 35 rampages, awarding 0.65%.
Completion % is only increased after all 35 rampages are completed.
Starfish Island Rampages
Complete All Rampages
Hidden Packages
There are 10 objectives tied to collecting packages worth around 6.5% in total.
Completion % is only increased after every 10 packages are collected.
Unique Stunt Jumps
There are 36 objectives for completing all 36 jumps, awarding 23.36% in total, or roughly 0.65% after each jump.
Prawn Island
Starfish Island
Vehicle Sub-Missions
There are 5 required vehicle sub-mission objectives worth around 3.25% in total.
Store Robberies
There is a single objective awarded once all 15 stores have been robbed. Doing so will earn 0.6493506494%.
Ammu-Nation Gun Range
There is a single objective earned by completing the gun range worth around 0.6493506494%.
Stadium Challenges
There are 3 required stadium challenges worth around 1.95% in total.
RC Vehicle Challenges
There are 3 required RC challenges worth around 1.95% in total.
Checkpoint Challenges
There are 6 required checkpoint collection objectives worth around 3.9% in total.
Dirt Track Challenges
There are 2 required dirt track checkpoint time trials worth around 1.3% in total.
Purchase Safehouses
There are 7 safehouses to purchase worth around 4.54% in total.
Purchase Businesses
There are 8 businesses to purchase worth around 5.2% in total.