Unique Jumps
Map, screenshot and text locations of all 36 unique jumps, plus details on their landing locations in GTA Vice City.
GTA Vice City expands on the objective introduced in GTA 3 and includes 36 stunt jump objectives which must be completed with a fast vehicle. Thankfully, another addition to Vice City are motorbikes which make the jumps much easier to complete. Ultimately, the player must hit a ramp at speed and travel a certain distance, landing in a rough target zone. Successfully completing all 36 unique jumps is a requirement towards 100% completion.
Completing Unique Jumps
You'll know you're attempting a unique jump as the camera will lock into a cinematic viewpoint and show your jump in slow motion. The game will tell you if you were successful when you land. An addition to Vice City which wasn't in GTA 3, is that the game will tell you if you've already completed a stunt jump, making it easier to track down the ones you're missing.
Most jumps can be attempted in any vehicle, although the faster and smaller the vehicle the better, with a motorbike like the PCJ-600 being ideal given it has great acceleration, handling and an impressive top speed. You won't always need to be traveling at full speed as it's sometimes possible to jump too far and miss the landing zone.
The best vehicle to use is definitely the PCJ-600, however if you want to attempt some jumps in a car, look at the Banshee, Cheetah, Stinger and Infernus.
Most jumps can be completed without a completely smooth landing, such as by crashing into something, but generally you should aim to land on your wheels.
Unique Jump Rewards
Each successful jump will award the player with $5,000, and this is multiplied by the number of jumps completed in total. The first successful jump will award $5,000, the second will award $10,000, the third offers $15,000 and so on up to $100,000 for completing the 20th and final unique jump. Once all 20 jumps have been completed, the game will also award a bonus of $1,000,000.
Unique Jumps Map
Click below to view our unique jump locations map. The numbers correspond with the screenshots and info below.
East Island Unique Jumps
There are 18 unique jumps to complete on the starting island. Number #1 and #2 are inaccessible right at the start of the game as they are behind a locked gate at the docks, although it could be possible to complete them using a Packer (ramp truck) to jump a bike past the fence and onto the dock.
Unique Jump #1
Found in Ocean Beach, jumping from North to South. Enter Pier 1 in the marina and you'll come to a wooden ramp launching you across a gap from the most Northern pier to the next one South.
Landing Target
Clear the water and land on the next pier to the South.
Reverse back as far as you can then speed forward and pull a wheelie as you hit the ramp. When you land, keep going full throttle to clear the next jump too.
Unique Jump #2
Found in Ocean Beach, jumping from North to South. Another wooden ramp at the marina jumping from the center pier to the one furthest South.
Landing Target
Clear the larger gap of water and land on the most Southern pier.
In order to get enough speed, you're best off hitting jump 1 and 2 in the same run. Clear the first jump then continue at speed over the next one, pulling a wheelie as you hit the ramp for a slight boost in height. Once you land, there's a final wooden ramp you can use to launch back to dry land.
Unique Jump #3
Found in Ocean Beach, jumping from North to South. The staircase of a building acts as the jump over the Pay 'n' Spray.
Landing Target
Clear the Pay 'n' Spray and land on the pink rooftop of the next building.
Like Jump 1, you probably want to stay on the gas as you land as the next jump is almost immediately after you land.
Unique Jump #4
Found in Ocean Beach, jumping from North to South. A pink ramp will launch you across the street from the pink rooftop behind the Pay 'n' Spray.
Landing Target
You need to clear the street and hit the building opposite.
You'll probably come flying off the bike and take some damage, but hitting the wall should be good enough to complete the jump.
Unique Jump #5
Found in Ocean Beach, jumping from North to South. Head to the roof of the multistory parking garage and use the concrete ramp.
Landing Target
Jump over the gap and land on the rooftop to the South.
If you have too much speed, you may end up over shooting the rooftop so it might take a few attempts to gauge it right.
Unique Jump #6
Found in Ocean Beach, jumping from South to North. In the alleyway behind the Ocean View Hotel, as you head North you'll see a small wooden box that acts as a ramp.
Landing Target
Simply clear the street and land in the alleyway on the other side of the road.
This goes without saying for all of the jumps, but this one is definitely easier on a bike.
Unique Jump #7
Found in Ocean Beach, jumping from West to East. Head up the spiral entrance ramp to the top of the Washington Mall parking lot The jump is from the road ramp at the South-East of the rooftop parking lot.
Landing Target
Clear the wall of the parking lot and the street below, landing on the rooftop directly ahead of the ramp.
You need a fair bit of speed for this one, so try to use the 'lean forward' technique outlined above and pull a wheelie as you hit the ramp.
Unique Jump #8
Found in Ocean Beach, jumping from West to North-East. After landing the previous jump, make your way over the rooftop to the East where you'll find three vents that act as ramps. The one we want is in the center.
Landing Target
You need to clear the corner of the building straight ahead and land on the road.
Hit the ramp straight on with some speed and you should jump over the building opposite and land on the road in front of a hotel.
Unique Jump #9
Found in Ocean Beach, jumping from North to South. This jump can be found right at the landing spot for the previous jump. It's another small pile of wooden pallets.
Landing Target
Clear the street and land a fair way down the alley on the opposite side.
You'll have to turn slightly to the left as you hit the ramp which can be a bit tricky. It might take a few tries to get it right.
Unique Jump #10
Found in Washington Beach, jumping from North to South. Further North up the alley between the hotels, you'll see a long set of wooden stairs facing to the South.
Landing Target
Clear the street below and land on the roof of the building straight ahead.
You might want to hit the staircase slightly to the right so that you end up on the rooftop instead of the alleyway straight ahead.
Unique Jump #11
Found in Washington Beach, jumping from East to West. This jump is from another wooden staircase, however this one is facing to the West towards the Police station.
Landing Target
Jump all of the way down the street and hit the wall of the Police station.
You'll probably want to go back as far as you can to the wall next to the beach, then speed for the ramp. The hardest part is getting a clear run at the ramp without a car parking right in front of you. Make sure you wheelie at the end of the stairs for some extra height on the jump.
Unique Jump #12
Found in Washington Beach, jumping from North to South. This jump is from the other set of stairs next to the previous jump, heading South down the alley.
Landing Target
Clear the road below and land on the rooftop opposite.
You can get a pretty decent run up for this one, but again, you will probably need to slightly turn to the right as you hit the stairs to ensure you aim towards the roof rather than the alleyway straight ahead.
Unique Jump #13
Found in Washington Beach, jumping from North to South. At the North end of the hotel alley is a set of two wooden ramps. The lowest ramp is the launchpad for this jump.
Landing Target
Get enough height to clear the 2nd ramp and land on the main rooftop.
You've got a long run up for this one so speed isn't really an issue. Just be sure to avoid any cars that might drive in front of you.
Unique Jump #14
Found in Washington Beach, jumping from East to West. At the end of the road directly South of the Police station is a concrete ramp facing to the West.
Landing Target
Clear the river and land on the crossroads next to the tool store.
This one is fairly simple. You've got plenty of room to get enough speed so just hit the ramp head on.
Unique Jump #15
Found in Washington Beach, jumping from West to East. The opposite direction of the previous jump. You'll need to speed past the tool store and hit the small sandy ramp back over the river.
Landing Target
Clear the river and go over the top of the concrete ramp from Jump 14, landing on the road behind the Police station.
There can be a lot of traffic in this area, so it might take a few attempts to get enough speed to clear it, but the required distance isn't particularly far.
Unique Jump #17
Found in Vice Point, jumping from South to North. Jump from a metal girder at the top of the construction site.
Landing Target
Clear the street below and try to land right next to the building to the North.
You'll need a bike for this one. Make your way into the construction site and work your way to the top level. You'll need to ride the bike along the metal girder which runs fom South to North. Try to get as much speed as you can and aim to land right in front of the building to the North. Smashing into the side might do it too, but you can definitely land it on the concrete between the plam tree and the building.
Unique Jump #18
Found in Vice Point, jumping from East to West. A concrete ramp facing West, right in front of the Malibu Club.
Landing Target
Clear the river and get pretty close to the building at the other side.
The run-up for this one can be quite awkward so you might need to perfect the 'lean-forward' technique for some extra speed.
Unique Jump #19
Found in Prawn Island, jumping from East to West. A ramp from a rooftop leading into the film studio.
Landing Target
Clear the road below and the wall of the film studio and land on the first rooftop.
To get to this roof, head over the bridge to Prawn Island from the mall, take the first left then use the ramp on the right to jump to the next roof, and again from another ramp to a third roof where you'll see the jump ramp. Go as far back as you can then speed at the jump.
Unique Jump #21
Found in Downtown, jumping from South to North. Jumping through the window of an office high up in a skyscraper.
Landing Target
Clear the gap below and land in the tunnel that leads through the lower building.
You'll only be able to attempt this jump after purchasing the film studio and attempting the mission "G-Spotlight". In order to gain access to the office you'll need to enter the elevator which will teleport you up to the correct floor, but the elevator is only unlocked during and after this mission, so this, and the next two jumps, are pretty much impossible without playing through most of the story.
Unique Jump #22
Found in Downtown, jumping from South to North. Jumping from a ramp on the roof of the Downtown hospital.
Landing Target
Clear the road below and land on the rooftop opposite.
This one can be a bit tricky because there's not much of a run up. You'll want to go as far back as you can, use the 'lean-forward' technique and wheelie as you hit the ramp. The only way to get to this rooftop is by following the rooftop jumps from the office block in Jump 21, although you'll probably complete it during the mission "G-Spotlight".
Unique Jump #23
Found in Downtown, jumping from North to South. The final jump on the mission "G-Spotlight", a ramp at the end of a long roof.
Landing Target
Clear the bridge below and land on the slope of the roof opposite.
You'll need to use the full run up in order to get enough speed. Clearing the road isn't difficult, but you need to get a fair distance onto the rooftop opposite for it to register successfully. If you end up falling off the roof, there's a shortcut to get back up via a small wooden staircase next to the dirt track. You'll need to jump over a few rooftops until you can attempt it again.
Unique Jump #24
Found in Little Haiti, jumping from North to South. A wooden ramp resting on some shipping containers down an alleyway.
Landing Target
Clear the two rooftops and land on the street below.
Reverse back as far as you can and speed at the ramp. As long as you clear the first building and clip the back end of the second rooftop you should have enough distance to register the jump.
Unique Jump #25
Found in Little Haiti, jumping from North to South. A wooden ramp at the end of a grassy alley near Auntie Poulet's house.
Landing Target
Clear the yellow school bus and most likely smash into one of the small houses on the other side of it.
You've got a good run up for this one, albeit on grass which doesn't have the best grip. Hit the ramp then turn slightly to the left so you laundh straight forward over the bus. I don't think I've ever landed this jump properly, but hitting one of the buildings on the other side of the bus will register it as successful.
Unique Jump #26
Found in Little Haiti, jumping from West to East. A wooden ramp between some houses leading over an aquaduct towards the Pay 'n' Spray.
Landing Target
Hit the Pay 'n' Spray wall quite high up.
You'll probably lose some health on this one because you'll likely end up faceplanting the wall of the Pay 'n' Spray.
Unique Jump #27
Found in Little Havana, jumping from North to South. An awkward ramp from a rooftop in the center of Little Havana ine block from the tool store.
Landing Target
Clear the road and land on the next rooftop below.
There's an alleyway just South from the Printworks which can lead you up to the rooftop. Make your way across a few ramps and staircases then you'll find the jump. It's awkward because it almost comes out of nowhere. You have to drop down onto the ramp with speed and then immediately launch off it to clear the road.
Unique Jump #28
Found in Starfish Island, jumping from West to East. Use a small staircase next to a house as a launch pad.
Landing Target
Clear the bushes and land in the next garden.
The grass and the tiny kerb makes this a little bit tricky to hit straight on as it can redirect you to the left, so it may take a few attempts, but the technique is to reverse back as far as you can, through a wooden fence into another enclosed garden, then speed straight forward and wheelie as you hit the stairs.
Unique Jump #29
Found in Escobar International, jumping from North to South. Jumping from the surf sign in front of the airport.
Landing Target
Clear the remainder of the grass and the road below, landing on the roof of the airport.
There is quite a bit of traffic on the road in front of the sign so you might need a few attempts to get through without being knocked off.
Unique Jump #30
Found in Escobar International, jumping from South-West to North-East. In the North-East corner of the airport, next to a yellow and white striped ramp is a small metal staircase facing a building.
Landing Target
Clear the road and land on the lower roof of the building straight ahead.
This one is a bit fiddly in terms of finding the sweet spot to land the jump. Sometimes you can hit the wall of the building ahead but you've got a clear run up so you can experiment with different speeds until it's completed.
Unique Jump #31
Found in Escobar International, jumping from South-West to North-East. A metal staircase at the South-West end of the parked planes.
Landing Target
Jump over the pedestrian walkway and land on the tarmac on the other side.
Thankfully these jumps are pretty simple. Just hit it straight with plenty of speed and you should make it over no problem.
Unique Jump #32
Found in Escobar International, jumping from East to West. Almost completely opposite the previous jump, another metal staircase leading over the same pedestrian walkway.
Landing Target
Clear the walkway and land on the tarmac next to the plane straight ahead.
Take as much of a run up as you need but try not to hit the plane or you might end up falling off and failing the jump.
Unique Jump #33
Found in Escobar International, jumping from East to West. Another metal staircase faccing the West, right in front of the airport terminal.
Landing Target
Clear the walkway and the plane's wing ahead and land on the tarmac in front of the airport terminal.
You'll need quite a bit of speed to ensure you clear the wing of the airplane ahead.
Unique Jump #34
Found in Escobar International, jumping from South-West to North-East. The higher of two metal ramps sticking out of the runway.
Landing Target
Jump out of the airport, cross the road and land in the parking lot.
You'll need a lot of speed for this one, but you've got the whole runway as a run-up so floor it and wheelie as you hit the ramp then watch Tommy fly into the distance.
Unique Jump #35
Found in Escobar International, jumping from North-East to South-West. A small yellow sign leading over the red and white radar station.
Landing Target
Clear the lower roof on the right and land on the grass or tarmac at other side of the radar station.
You've got plenty of run-up room for this. You'll want to hit the ramp slightly to the right so that you cut the corner of the roof rather than flying straight into the spinning radar.
Unique Jump #36
Found in Escobar International, jumping from South-West to North-East. Opposite the previous jump at the other side of the radar station is a set of metal stairs.
Landing Target
Jump straight past the spinning radar and land on the grass or tarmac ahead.
Hit the ramp straight on with some speed and you should float to the landing zone without any issues.