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Hidden Packages

Published by Psy
Last Updated

Hidden Packages

Map, screenshot and text locations of all 100 hidden packages in GTA Vice City.

GTA Vice City includes 100 hidden packages to find and collect. For every 10 packages you collect you'll unlock a new weapon at your safehouse meaning free ammo, so they're definitely worth hunting down as soon as possible.

Collecting Packages

Hidden packages in GTA Vice City take the form of a green 'tiki' statue which you'll find spinning around and floating slightly off the ground. Simply walk over a package to collect it.

Package Collection Rewards

Each package you collect will reward the player with $100. In addition, after every 10 packages collected, a new weapon or item will unlock and permanently spawn at 3 of the major safehouses - Ocean View Hotel (in the bedroom), The Vercetti Estate (outside to the East of the main entrance) and the Hyman Condo (on the roof).

The rewards for packages 80, 90 and 100 are access to unique vehicles.

Packages Reward
10 Body Armor
20 Chainsaw
30 Colt Python
40 Flamethrower
50 Combat Sniper
60 Minigun
70 Rocket Launcher
80 Sea Sparrow
90 Rhino 
100 Hunter + $100,000
  • The Sea Sparrow spawns directly behind the Vercetti Estate on Starfish Island and is a helicopter with a minigun which can be landed on water.
  • The Rhino spawns inside Fort Baxter Air Base, North of the Airport and is an army Tank with a cannon.
  • The Hunter spawns inside Fort Baxter Air Base, North of the Airport and is an attack helicopter with a minigun and rockets.
Upon completion of the story (after the mission "Keep Your Friends Close") AND collection of all 100 hidden packages, the Hunter will also spawn on a helipad South of Ammu-Nation in Ocean Beach.

Hidden Packages Map

Click below to view our hidden package locations map. The numbers correspond with the screenshots and info below.

GTA Vice City Hidden Packages Map

East Island Hidden Packages

There are 50 hidden packages which can be collected on the East Island at the start of the game, however 5 of them (#1, #2, #13, #22 and #24) are technically inacessible and require a boat or helicopter to reach.

You can use the Pier Glitch to access other islands from the start of the game to find a helicopter or boat early.
Hidden Package #1

Found in Ocean Beach

Boat / Helicopter Required

You'll find this one on the wooden shack without a roof. It's the most South-Western one. You can either park a boat next to the lower part and jump on, or land a helicopter on the top. There's a Rampage at the top of the stairs which you can't avoid so you'll end up triggering that if you use a boat.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 1

Hidden Package #2

Found in Ocean Beach

Boat / Helicopter Required

On a small rocky island to the South of Ocean Beach. Probably easier to get with a boat as there aren't many places you can safely land a helicopter nearby.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 2

Hidden Package #3

Found in Ocean Beach

Behind the building with a helipad next to it, South of Ammu-Nation. Fun fact - the Hunter will spawn on this helipad once you collect all packages and complete the story.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 3

Hidden Package #4

Found in Ocean Beach

At the top of the steps at the base of the lighthouse. You'll find it at the most South-Eastern point of Ocean Beach.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 4

Hidden Package #5

Found in Ocean Beach

Hidden inside an underground parking lot at the docks. The entrance is on the East side of the building.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 5

Hidden Package #6

Found in Ocean Beach

Behind a large building, on some grass near the water, slightly North of the docks. There are a few ways to get to it, but the easiest is just to head around the back of the nearby hospital and follow the grass hill up to it.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 6

Hidden Package #7

Found in Ocean Beach

Under the Southern-most bridge between the East and West islands. You'll find it next to the hospital at the East end of the bridge.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 7

Hidden Package #8

Found in Ocean Beach

Helicopter / Fast Vehicle Required

This is easier to get with a helicopter, but you can also use a fast car or motorbike to jump from a ramp of the nearby parking lot (with the spiral entrance ramp to the right of the screenshot below). You'll land a unique stunt jump on the rooftop below, then you can use the vents to jump across the gap to the next roof where you'll find the package.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 8

Hidden Package #9

Found in Ocean Beach

Down a back alley between some buildings, you'll find a bean shaped pool. The package is at the South-East end of the pool next to some Body Armor.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 9

Hidden Package #10

Found in Washington Beach

Helicopter / Fast Vehicle Required

This is easier to get with a helicopter, but you can also use a fast car or motorbike to jump from a ramp in the alleyway to the North-East. You'll land a unique stunt jump on the rooftop and the package is in the South-Western corner overlooking the main road.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 10

Hidden Package #11

Found in Washington Beach

On the back porch of 1102 Washington Street, a safehouse you can buy. It's also directly across the road from where you actually start the game at Ken Rosenburg's office.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 11

Hidden Package #12

Found in Washington Beach

Floating beside the base of the small bridge that takes you North towards the tool shop from the 1102 Washington Street safehouse.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 12

Hidden Package #13

Found in Washington Beach

Helicopter Required

This package is on top of the blue and white striped building just South of the Police station. The only way you can get to the top is with a helicopter, so you'll need to leave this until you have access to the mainland, either by playing through the story or using the pier glitch.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 13

Hidden Package #14

Found in Washington Beach

You'll find this one resting on a green lifeguard shack on the beach, almost directly East from the police station.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 14

Hidden Package #15

Found in Washington Beach

2 Star Wanted Level

This one is inside the actual police station, in an office up the stairs. As soon as you make your way towards the back of the building you'll receive a two-star wanted level for tresspassing. Run in, grab the package then sprint back outside and into a waiting vehicle to escape. There are a few police bribes you can collect North of the Malibu Club, otherwise head to a Pay 'n' Spray to lose the cops.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 15

Hidden Package #16

Found in Washington Beach

This package is resting in the corner of a small pink-walled building surrounded by a row of pools.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 16

Hidden Package #17

Found in Washington Beach

Near the bridge to Starfish Island, you'll find this package inside a multi-colored shower block.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 17

Hidden Package #18

Found in Washington Beach

Directly under the bridge leading to Starfish island.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 18

Hidden Package #19

Found in Washington Beach

This is behind the warehouse building you'll be attacking in the early story mission "Riot!". Before the mission, this is technically behind a locked gate so you'll either need to use a tall vehicle like an Ambulance to jump over the fence, or land a helicopter in the yard. The package is between a fence and the back wall of the building.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 19

Hidden Package #20

Found in Vice Point

This package is precariously positioned at the end of a long girder sticking out at the top of the construction site. Make your way up to the top of the construction building via the wooden ramps, then carefully walk along the red girder to collect it. If you have a gun, use manual aim to make it easier to walk down the bar.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 20

Hidden Package #21

Found in Vice Point

Perched on a small wooden dock overlooking the Leaf Links golf course, West of the construction site.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 21

Hidden Package #22

Found in Vice Point

Helicopter Required

This package is on top of the apartment block across the road from the Malibu Club. The only way you can get to the top is with a helicopter, so you'll need to leave this until you have access to the mainland, either by playing through the story or using the pier glitch. You can land your helicopter in the swimming pool.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 22

Hidden Package #23

Found in Vice Point

In a small parking lot right behind the Malibu Club, tuxked away in the corner nearest the road, usually next to a parked van.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 23

Hidden Package #24

Found in Vice Point

Helicopter Required

This package is on top of the apartment building just North from the Mailbu Club. You'll actually visit this rooftop in one of the early story missions, otherwise the only way you can get to the top is with a helicopter, so you'll need to leave this until you have access to the mainland, either by playing through the story or using the pier glitch. You can safely land the helicopter on the walkway at the North of the rooftop.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 24

Hidden Package #25

Found in Vice Point

If you head North along the beach you'll eventually come to a nice pool area with some steps behind a large hotel. The package is in the North-West corner of the courtyard near the pool.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 25

Hidden Package #26

Found in Vice Point

Head inside the pizza restaurant and the package is floating in the corner by the counter.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 26

Hidden Package #27

Found in Vice Point

Just East of the pizza restaurant is a small block of apartments with stairs leading to an upper level. The package is hidden behind the stairs at the Southern end of the complex.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 27

Hidden Package #28

Found in Vice Point

Heading North from the pizza restaurant, you'll pass a jewellers which you can enter (and rob). The package is in the corner behind the counter. As long as you don't use any weapons, you can get this without getting a wanted level.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 28

Hidden Package #29

Found in Vice Point

This one is by a back door on a lower level at Mercedes apartment. The main entrance is just North of the bridge to the golf course, then just follow the stairs up and down the other side to find it.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 29

Hidden Package #30

Found in Vice Point

Across the road from Mercedes apartment is a large rectangular apartment complex. If you head to the Southern end of it, you can make your way to the roof using the stairs. The package is just down from the top level if you follow it around to the West. You'll chase someone along these rooftops in one of the missions.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 30

Hidden Package #31

Found in Vice Point

In the garden area between the rectangular apartments from the previous package, directly East of the Pay 'n' Spray. It's on the North-Eastern most grassy area next to the fence.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 31

Hidden Package #32

Found in Vice Point

This package is on a tiled area in front of a large building at the West side of the island. You'll find it near the tight curve in the road.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 32

Hidden Package #33

Found in Vice Point

Behind the building from the previous package, you'll see this hovering on the top diving board above the pool. Climb the small steps to reach the top, but I'd recommend walking back down to avoid losing any health.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 33

Hidden Package #34

Found in Vice Point

This one is right in the corner at the Southern base of the bridge to Prawn Island. It's just South-West from the mall and you'll need to get past the bushes onto the pavement near the water to see it properly.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 34

Hidden Package #35

Found in Vice Point

Towards the North of the beach you'll see some giant boulders and a dirt track in the sand. The package is hidden behind a small wooden billboard at the North East end of the track.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 35

Hidden Package #36

Found in Vice Point

This one is found behind the most Northern building with its back to the beach. You can get up to the correct level from the front of the building.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 36

Hidden Package #37

Found in Vice Point

Head all of the way to the North of the island and you'll find this package at the end of a grassy area between the outer walls of the mall.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 37

Hidden Package #38

Found in Vice Point

Go inside the mall and make your way to the top floor. You'll find the package near a "SALE" banner on the East side of the mall.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 38

Hidden Package #39

Found in Vice Point

Still inside the mall, and still on the top floor, make your way to the Southern end and head inside GASH. The package is resting on a ledge just above the escalators inside the store. You'll have to jump over a table or two to get it, or you can just smash the window, but that risks gaining a wanted level.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 39

Hidden Package #40

Found in Vice Point

West of the mall you'll find a multistory car park. The package is on the ground floor, just inside the entrance.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 40

Hidden Package #41

Found on Prawn Island

Cross the bridge onto Prawn Island and immediately take the first left. You'll find the package at the end of an alleyway at the South-Eastern end of the small island.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 41

Hidden Package #42

Found on Prawn Island

Helicopter / Fast Vehicle Required

You can get this one without a helicopter, but it'll likely involve attempting and probably completing a unique jump. Start at the bridge between the mall area and Prawn Island then take your first left. On the right of this small road you'll see a ramp. Hit it with some speed and you'll land on anothe rooftop with two more ramps. Hit one of these and try to land on the upper rooftop. From there you'll see a larger ramp facing the film studio, so go as far back as you can at the opposite end of the roof then speed over. You need to land on the 2nd rooftop inside the film studio where you'll find the package between two roof vents.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 42

Hidden Package #43

Found on Prawn Island

Later in the game, you'll have access to the film studio, but if you're trying to get the packages early, you'll need to use the unique jump from the previous package to get into the complex. Once inside, you'll find this package inside the empty 'Stage C' building at the North East of the film studio.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 43

Hidden Package #44

Found on Prawn Island

This one is on the back porch of a green building at the West side of Prawn Island. Head around the building to find steps leading up to it.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 44

Hidden Package #45

Found on Prawn Island

Inside the Eastern-most building on Prawn Island, head up the stairs to the top floor, but don't go all the way to the roof. Follow the walkway around and you'll see a broken wall with a hidden room inside on the level below you. The package is in here so you'll probably need to run and jump diagonally into the room. It can be a bit tricky to get in and you'll probably lose a bit of health while going for it but there's a health pick up outside by the fountain.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 45

Hidden Package #46

Found in Leaf Links

Leaf Links is the golf course island to the West of the starting island. There are numerous ways to get onto it, even before it opens during the story but it is technically blocked off at the start of the game. One way is to park a vehicle on the bridge in the screenshot below then jump on top and jump over the railing. There's also a ramp which can launch you onto the South end of the golf course or various other ways to get over the small fence. Either way, once you're inside the course perimiters, you'll find this package hidden under the main bridge. 

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 46

Hidden Package #47

Found in Leaf Links

At the North-East of the golf course, you'll find this on the lower level of a driving range where golfers seemingly launch their balls into the water.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 47

Hidden Package #48

Found in Leaf Links

In the central section of the course, near the main entrance, there are two sand bunkers to the West. The package is in the Northern-most bunker. In the definitive edition of the game, the map doesn't quite match up with the actual position of the bunkers however, so don't pay too much attention to the map and use your eyes to spot the package.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 48

Hidden Package #49

Found in Leaf Links

In the Southern section of the golf course you'll see a palm tree on a small island surrounded by water. The package is at the base of this tree. Don't worry, the water isn't deep enough to drown you.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 49

Hidden Package #50

Found in Leaf Links

Further South at the golf course you'll come to a small wooden bridge leading to some even more Southern holes. The package is in the center of the bridge.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 50

Starfish Island Hidden Packages

There are 5 hidden packages which can be collected on Starfish Island. They're not officially accessible at the start of the game as gates to Starfish Island won't open until a short way through the story.

You can use the Pier Glitch to access other islands from the start of the game to find a helicopter or boat early making it possible to collect these packages.
Hidden Package #51

Found on Starfish Island

This one is tucked behind some stairs near two pools at the very East-end of the Vercetti Estate.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 51

Hidden Package #52

Found on Starfish Island

All of the way at the West end of the Vercetti Estate you'll find the package squashed between two walls, looking out on the water. Run all of the way to the West from the front of the mansion until you hit the wall then follow it South. Be careful not to fall in the water.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 52

Hidden Package #53

Found on Starfish Island

In the center of the island you'll see a R* shaped swimming pool. Next to it is a small building with a ramp leading to an upper level. You'll find it here between some tables with umbrellas.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 53

Hidden Package #54

Found on Starfish Island

At the East of Starfish Island, also fairly central, you'll find another house with a pool. The package is chilling in the hot tub next to the main pool.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 54

Hidden Package #55

Found on Starfish Island

This package is hidden in the front doorway of the North-Eastern-most house on the island.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 55

Mainland (West Island) Hidden Packages

There are 45 hidden packages to collect on the Mainland. They're not officially accessible at the start of the game as all bridges between the East and West islands are blocked off until the central point of the story.

You can use the Pier Glitch to access other islands from the start of the game to find a helicopter or boat early making it possible to collect these packages.
Hidden Package #56

Found in Downtown

Slightly to the North of the bridge between Prawn Island and the mainland, behind a long row of buildings. You'll find it on the grass near the water in a small groove in the building wall.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 56

Hidden Package #57

Found in Downtown

In the Northern part of the map, just south of the dirt track on the grass, you'll find a large open building with some form of sculpture on display. The package is at the base of the sculpture and you can jump up to it from ground level.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 57

Hidden Package #58

Found in Downtown

This one is waiting down an alleyway right next to the Hyman Condo safehouse you can purchase.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 58

Hidden Package #59

Found in Downtown

Follow the stadium all of the way around to the back and you'll find the package hidden in the corner of a parking lot on the North-East side of the stadium.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 59

Hidden Package #60

Found in Downtown

Behind the Downtown hospital, where the Ambulance can be found, is a small parking lot under cover. The package is hiding in the shade down here.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 60

Hidden Package #61

Found in Downtown

As soon as you reach Downtown after heading across the bridge from Prawn Island, there's a small doorway on the right which leads to the roof of the VCN building. Walking through the open door will teleport you to the roof where you can find a helicopter, but also, more importantly, discover the hidden package on a ledge just below the helipad.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 61

Hidden Package #62

Found in Downtown

Inside an office building at the East side of Downtown, right behind the Police station. You'll need to head up the large staircase from the East and make your way around and inside to find it floating near a desk and an elavator. You'll end up in this building during the mission "G-Spotlight" for the Film Studio.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 62

Hidden Package #63

Found in Little Haiti

Just South of Downtown you'll come to a large hotel complex with water features in front and a large car park behind. The package is in the South-West corner behind the building, on the grass right next to a large concrete ramp.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 63

Hidden Package #64

Found in Little Haiti

Head all of the way to the West side of Little Haiti until you reach a promenade next to the water, overlooking the beach and stadium to the North. The package is right in the corner next to the water. Be careful not to fall in.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 64

Hidden Package #65

Found in Little Haiti

Head inside "Phil's Place" and you'll see a fairly large wooden shack to the North-West of his compound. Go inside the open door and you'll see the package in the corner.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 65

Hidden Package #66

Found in Little Haiti

Across the road from the entrance to Phil's Place is an alley leading to a courtyard. The package is hidden at the bottom of a short staircase by the back door of a building.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 66

Hidden Package #67

Found in Little Haiti

Once you're on the mainland, there are plenty of helicopters available, so you should be using them to get all of the packages anyway, but this one either requires a unique jump from the alleyway to the North, or landing on the roof with a helicopter as it's not accessible from ground level.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 67

Hidden Package #68

Found in Little Haiti

Right behind the Kaufman Cabs headquarters are some small concrete houses. The package is at the top of the stairs of the most South-Western house.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 68

Hidden Package #69

Found in Little Haiti

Just to the South of the pizza restaurant is a tiny alleyway leading to an open grave with a skeleton on display. The package is floating right above it.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 69

Hidden Package #70

Found in Little Haiti

This one is between some vents on the roof of the Printworks. Find the stairs in the middle of the building then make your way to the roof and head to the North to find it.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 70

Hidden Package #71

Found in Little Haiti

Just East of the Printworks, the package can be found behind a fence and under a billboard overlooking the street.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 71

Hidden Package #72

Found in Little Havana

In the corner of the street you'll see a laundromat which you can enter. Inside is a pickup to change your clothes to a tracksuit, however it is possible to get inside without changing your outfit, should you wish to keep the classic Hawaiian look. Once inside, jump over the counter to reach the back of the store where you can pick up the package. This store can be robbed, but doing so will give a wanted level, so you might want to leave that for another day. You can jump back over the counter next to the clerk to get out without touching the clothes icon.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 72

Hidden Package #73

Found in Little Havana

Just East along the street from the laundromat is a pale green house with a concrete ramp at the front of it. The package is at the top of the slope.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 73

Hidden Package #74

Found in Little Havana

Directly across the road from Umberto Robina's cafe is an alleyway with plenty of trash bags and cardboard boxes. You'll find the package on some sandy ground to the Southern end of the alley.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 74

Hidden Package #75

Found in Little Havana

Right above Umberto's cafe is a large yellow 'Kaufman Cabs' billboard. Make your way to the roof from the stairs at the side of the building then carefully walk along the thin ledge of the billboard to collect it. You'll also pick up a sniper rifle on the way to the package.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 75

Hidden Package #76

Found in Little Havana

Right across the road from the Police station is a donut store (very convenient!). Head inside and go behind the counter where you'll find the package near the refrigerators.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 76

Hidden Package #77

Found in Little Havana

Just to the South of Umberto's cafe, where the road curves, you'll be able to climb to the roof of another building via some stairs and the package is in the corner of the roof overlooking the airport in the distance.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 77

Hidden Package #78

Found in Viceport

Head inside the Sunshine Autos showroom and up to the first floor where you'll discover the package resting next to the wall.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 78

Hidden Package #79

Found in Viceport

Directly in front of Sunshine Autos is a large fuel storage area with four large metal cylinders. The package is hidden right in the middle of them next to a small pipe. To get into this area you'll need to make your way towards the airport terminal and cut behind a building on the right. 

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 79

Hidden Package #80

Found in Viceport

There's a parking lot alongside the road to the airport with some shipping containers. The package is by the road, between two trucking containers. There's a gate slightly to the North you can use to gain entry to this area. You'll also land in here following a unique stunt jump from the airport runway ramp.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 80

Hidden Package #81

Found in Viceport

Between the second and third building as you head North up the main road from the port, tucked behind a door.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 81

Hidden Package #82

Found in Viceport

On the large container ship to the East of Viceport. Head up the Southern-most entry ramp, then make your way towards the middle of the ship where you'll find a gap between some shipping containers. The package is by the water overlooking Washington Beach.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 82

Hidden Package #83

Found in Viceport

Floating on a tiny patch of grass in the corner of a parking area in the center of Viceport, near some trucking containers.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 83

Hidden Package #84

Found in Viceport

Towards the front of the ship at the South of Viceport. You'll need a helicopter to reach it.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 84

Hidden Package #85

Found in Viceport

Inside a small wooden office in a curved building near the entrance to the airport runway.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 85

Hidden Package #86

Found in Viceport

Alongside a long building in a large open area where you'll do battle with a number of other taxis in a mission for Kaufman Cabs. You'll find the package in the Northern corner.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 86

Hidden Package #87

Found in Escobar International

This one is on the roof of the building at the South-West of the airport. You'll need a helicopter to reach it.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 87

Hidden Package #88

Found in Escobar International

South of the runway which runs South-West to North-East is a raised helipad. The package is right in the center of the yellow "H" printed on the ground.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 88

Hidden Package #89

Found in Escobar International

On the roof of a curved metal hangar building accessible from yellow and white striped ramps. You can sprint and jump to the roof from the yellow ramp without a vehicle, so this one is accessible on foot. The roof is the first one you'll come to after leaving the helipad from package 88 and heading North-East.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 89

Hidden Package #90

Found in Escobar International

On top of the concrete at the end of the pedestrian walkway South-East of the main airport terminal building. You can land a helicopter on top, or use a tall vehicle (such as the Packer parked nearby) to climb onto the wing of the airplane to the left of the screenshot below. You can then jump up onto the roof of the plane, and follow it along to the walkway and get up to where the package is. You can also perform the unique stunt jump using the surf sign in front of the airport and carefully drop down from the roof onto the top of the walkway.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 90

Hidden Package #91

Found in Escobar International

Under the plane parked up on the South-West side of the Terminal.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 91

Hidden Package #92

Found in Escobar International

On top of the plane, directly above the previous package. You can land a helicopter on top of the plane, or on top of the pedestrian walkway then walk along it and jump over to the plane. You can also use a tall vehicle, like the Packer, to give you a boost up onto the wing where you'll be able to jump to the top of the plane. If you're still struggling, use the surf jump in front of the airport to get to the roof then drop down on top of the pedestrian walkway and walk along it until you can jump to the plane.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 92

Hidden Package #93

Found in Escobar International

Under the Northern wing of the large jet in the hangar to the West side of the airport runway.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 93

Hidden Package #94

Found in Escobar International

At the North end of the hangars at the West of the runway is a building with some datellite dishes on a criss-cross metal aerial. The package is at the back of this building, overlooking the water.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 94

Hidden Package #95

Found in Escobar International (Inside The Airport)

Head inside the airport, run to the back wall and turn right. You'll find the package on the ground floor at the North-Eastern corner.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 95

Hidden Package #96

Found in Escobar International (Inside The Airport)

Climb to the first floor inside the airport and head along to the East end. Jump over some rope and walk down the entryway to the terminal where you'll find the package by a blocked gate next to a "Welcome to Vice City" golf cart sign.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 96

Hidden Package #97

Found in Escobar International

Right on top of the airport terminal building. You can either land a helicopter on here or use the surf billboard unique jump to get up to it using a fast vehicle.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 97

Hidden Package #98

Found in Escobar International

North-East of the main airport terminal, you'll see a number of billboards above the road. The package is on the grass in the corner of the billboards. You'll need to make your way out of the walls of the airport to get it which you can do over the top of a small tunnel slightly to the North.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 98

Hidden Package #99

Found in Escobar International

At the end of a smaller runway at the North end of the airport, just South of the army base, you'll find the package under the final plane parked up.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 99

Hidden Package #100

Found in Escobar International

Right behind the sign at the entrance to the army base, North of the airport. You won't be shot at or get a wanted level when collecting this, but you may do if you attempt to go into the base itself.

GTA Vice City Hidden Package 100

Reward: $100,000
Your reward for collecting all packages is $100,000 in cold, hard cash. You'll also unlock the Hunter attack helicopter at the army base. If you've also completed the story, you'll unlock the Hunter at a helipad South of Ammu-Nation in Ocean Beach.
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