Map, screenshot and text locations of all 35 rampages in GTA Vice City.
GTA Vice City increases on GTA 3's 20 rampages with 35 scattered across the various islands, and they're all required for 100% completion. Unlike GTA 3 however, each rampage only has a single spawn point. If you fail, it will simply respawn exactly where you found it.
Completing Rampages
Walk over a rampage icon (a white skull in a pink circle) to start the mission.
Once it starts, you'll be given a specific weapon with infinite ammo and be tasked with killing a set number of enemies - or destroying a number of vehicles - without dying yourself and before the 2 minute time limit runs out.
Plenty of enemies will spawn on the streets nearby which makes these challenges quite easy, particularly as they will usually spawn in groups with their gang, however, many of the enemies will attempt to attack you once you start shooting, so you'll need to keep moving. There may be some occasions where it's hard to find enough enemies to complete the rampage before running out of time.
Rampages cannot be replayed once they have been completed and the icon will disappear from the game.
Rampage Rewards
Each successful rampage will award the player with $50, however this is multiplied by the number of rampages completed in total. The first rampage will award $50, the second will award $100, the third offers $150 and so on up to $1750 for completing the 35th rampage.
Rampages Map
Click below to view our rampage locations map. The numbers correspond with the screenshots and info below.
Gang Hostilities
As you progress through the story, some of the gangs in the game will become hostile towards you. This means as soon as they see you in their territory, they'll immediately chase and attack you. Thankfully the rampages in GTA Vice City are easier than GTA 3 as the gang members you'll need to kill are usually randomly assigned meaning you're only in danger from the enemies you're actually targeting.
East Island Rampages
There are 17 rampages to find and complete on the starting island. They are all accessible from the start of the game, although Rampage #1 requires a boat or helicopter to access.
Rampage #1
Found in Ocean Beach, on the stairs of a wooden hut on stilts. It's the only hut with no roof that you'll find in the water nearby. You'll need a boat or a helicopter to get to this one.
Destroy 10 vehicles in 2 minutes with the Rocket Launcher.
Plenty of boats will spawn in all directions, so just take your time and try to fire rockets in front of them so they sail into explosion. Be very careful not to shoot one of the wooden poles around the shack or you'll blow yourself up. If you get really desperate at the end, you could blow up your own vehicle but then you're going to have to commit suicide in the water to get out of there.
Rampage #2
Found in Ocean Beach, on some grass just off the South-East corner of the main road. Following the path will lead you to the lighthouse.
Kill 30 Gang Members in 2 minutes with the Molotov Cocktails.
While not particularly difficult, this rampage is much easier if you've completed the Firefighter missions and are fireproof on foot. That way you can just run up to groups of gang members and throw a molotov at your feet. Otherwise just run around looking for large groups of enemies and lob a molotov in the middle of them. Stay out of the blast radius if you're not fireproof as being set on fire more than once will likely result in your untimely and crispy death.
Rampage #3
Found in Ocean Beach, on the beach near the water just North of the actual lighthouse.
Runover and Kill 30 Gang Members in 2 minutes with a vehicle.
Before starting this Rampage, take a fast vehicle with you. Something like a Banshee will work well. You don't want to use a motorbike because it's much easier to run people over with a car. Quickly drive off the beach and your vehicle will have much more speed and traction on the road or pavements where you'll be able to plough into groups of gang members and complete this one without taking any damage.
Rampage #4
Found in Ocean Beach, on a rooftop half-way up the multistory car park. You can jump over the wall from inside the car park to get to it.
Kill 25 Gang Members in 2 minutes with the .308 Sniper Rifle.
Thankfully plenty of groups of gang members will spawn on the street below. Many of them will run when you start shooting, but you should still be able to take out two or three from each group thanks to the laser sniper's quick trigger. If you're struggling from the higher viewpoint, drop down onto the road and a better angle will make it easier to kill the enemies, but be warned they might attack you too.
Rampage #5
Found in Ocean Beach, hidden between the first and second houses on the East side, North of the Pay 'n' Spray.
Kill 10 Gang Members in 2 minutes with the Katana.
The Katana is a bit of a pain to use because it's random whether Tommy will slice or stab. A stab will usually kill an enemy instantly, but a slice won't, and usually gives them time to fight back. Thakfully you can sprint while holding the Katana, so just keep running around the main streets and attacking the enemies, then run away if you're in danger, until you've hit the 10 kill target.
Rampage #6
Found in Ocean Beach, head through the open gate leading to a pink building, right next to the car wash and gas station.
Kill 20 Gang Members in 2 minutes with the Chainsaw.
You can't sprint while carrying the chainsaw, so your best bet is to run and jump everywhere. You'll pretty much kill anything you touch in one hit with the chainsaw, so the hardest part is just catching up to the enemies.
Rampage #7
Found in Ocean Beach, on a small grassy ledge accessible from behind the hospital.
Kill 25 Gang Members in 2 minutes with the M4.
If you aim with the M4, you'll go into first person. While doing this, you'll spray bullets much faster, but the accuracy is terrible. If you hold the shoot button without aiming first, Tommy will fire it from his shoulder making it much easier to aim, although it'll actually fire slightly slower like this. Stay on the grass at the top of the stairs and the gang members will usually group together below you making this one reasonably straight forward, although you might need to keep going right until the time runs out if the enemies don't spawn quickly enough.
Rampage #8
Found in Ocean Beach, on the roof of the Washington Mall. Head up the spiral entrance ramp to find it.
Kill 25 Gang Members in 2 minutes with the Shotgun.
The shotgun is a pretty powerful weapon and it will drop most enemies in one hit, with the added bonus that it can spread and kill multiple enemies at once. The first thing you're going to want to do is jump off the side of the roof because you won't find any enemies up on the parking lot. Make your way to the nearest main road and you'll find enemies on the sidewalk who can be easily gunned down.
Rampage #9
Found in Washington Beach, next to a building across the road from the tool store.
Kill 25 Gang Members in 2 minutes with the MP5.
The MP5 is a very efficient killing machine. You can actually get in a car or on a bike and use it to drive-by enemies, which still counts, or just keep moving and lock on to the groups of gang members who will spawn on the main street nearby. If you get a wanted level, just remember it'll be cleared as soon as you complete the rampage, so try to ignore the cops if you can.
Rampage #10
Found in Washington Beach, alongside the most Southern building which backs onto the beach.
Kill 30 Gang Members in 2 minutes with the S.P.A.S. 12 Shotgun.
You can't sprint when carrying a shotgun, so utilise the run and jump technique to cover the ground quicker. The S.P.A.S. 12 is ridiculously powerful and fires extremely quickly so you'll wipe out full groups of gang members in a second. This one shouldn't be much trouble at all.
Rampage #11
Found in Washington Beach, on the top diving board next to a pool which overlooks the beach.
Kill 10 Gang Members in 2 minutes with the .308 Sniper Rifle.
The laser sniper can fire shots as quickly as you pull the trigger, so you can almost use it like a machine gun. You can stay on the diving board and you'll find plenty of enemies to kill on the beach, or you can make your way down to give yourself a better angle, but killing 10 enemies isn't too difficult at all given they often spawn in groups of 4.
Rampage #12
Found in Vice Point, on the sidewalk at the end of the cul-de-sac, facing Leaf Links golf course.
Drive-by and Waste 35 Gang Members in 2 minutes with the Uz-I.
With the drive-by rampages, you can either use a car, giving you more protection but meaning you can only shoot to the left or right, or a motorbike which also allows you to fire straight forward. A bike is much easier to maneuver and you can drive straight down a pavement mowing down everything in front of you, but there's always a chance for gang members to catch up and pull you off the bike which can cause serious problems. Either way, keep moving because you don't have long, needing one kill in under every 4 seconds.
Rampage #13
Found in Vice Point, behind Mercedes' apartment, just down from the road which leads to the main entrance of Leaf Links golf course.
Kill 20 Gang Members in 2 minutes with the Chainsaw.
No enemies will spawn where you start the rampage, so you're going to want to run and jump your way to the main street where you'll find groups of enemies ready to be minced.
Rampage #14
Found in Vice Point, at the Northern part of the beach, East of the mall, behind the final building which backs onto the sand.
Kill 25 Gang Members in 2 minutes with the Python.
The Python is a one-hit-kill pistol. Lock onto an enemy, pull the trigger and they're dead. You have to stand still while firing it though and it's not particularly quick at reloading so you might want to fire a few shots then run away before enemies come at you. Head to the main street in front of the mall where you'll find more than enough gang members to gun down.
Rampage #15
Found in Vice Point, right next to the East entrance to the North Point Mall.
Kill 35 Gang Members in 2 minutes with the M4.
As previously explained, the M4 is easier to fire if you hold the trigger without aiming. Tommy will fire it from his shoulder with a third-person viewpoint, making it much easier to target enemies. If you lure the enemies behind the wall it'll give you more protection, but you'll likely need to head back to the main street to find enough gang members before the time runs out.
Rampage #16
Found in Vice Point (Inside The Mall), on the top floor, hidden in some bushes on the West side next to the Vinyl Countdown record shop.
Kill 30 Gang Members in 2 minutes with the Rocket Launcher.
Lots of enemies will spawn in the central part of the mall, near the food court. The problem with the rocket launcher is that it's very easy to be caught up in the blast so try to take out the enemies on the ground floor from a higher vantage point, but make sure not to shoot a rocket at your own feet.
Rampage #17
Found in Vice Point, directly behind the most North and Western building near the mall.
Drive-by and Waste 30 Gang Members in 2 minutes with the Uz-I.
As with the other drive-by rampages, choose between a motorbike so you can fire straight forward, or a car with more protection. Given the roads and pavements around this rampage, using a bike is probably the easiest providing you keep moving to prevent being pulled off. Bring your vehicle with you before starting the rampage to save a few seconds.
Mainland (West Island) Rampages
There are 17 rampages to find and complete on the Mainland (West Island) and 1 on Starfish Island. They are all technically accessible from the start of the game, however access to the Mainland is blocked off until a short way through the story.
Rampage #18
Found in Downtown, at the top of the stairs of a building just along the road from the bridge from Prawn Island.
Kill 40 Gang Members in 2 minutes with the Molotov Cocktails.
Once again, the rampages involving fire are much easier after completing the Firefighter missions as you'll be fireproof on foot. Otherwise you just want to sprint around ensuring you target groups of gangsters and stay out of the blast. You'll find a lot of enemies spawn in front of Ammu-Nation just down the street.
Rampage #19
Found in Downtown, by a door, near the sculpture statue at the North of Downtown.
Kill 30 Gang Members in 2 minutes with the Minigun.
A minigun with infinite ammo is practically unstoppable. You move very slowly when carrying one however, so either keep a vehicle nearby to move to a different area or waddle your way to the nearby road and take out the enemies all over the sidewalk. If a car drives past, make sure you're far enough back that you won't be hurt by the explosion because simply grazing the car with the minigun will fire off enough bullets to blow it up instantly.
Rampage #20
Found in Downtown, right at the top of the long staircase in front of Ammu-Nation.
Kill 25 Gang Members in 2 minutes with the Python.
The Python wipes out enemies in a single shot but you can't move while firing. Your best technique is to lock on and kill as many gang members from a distance as you can, then sprint away and kill more, particuarly those who chase you. Don't get too close or they'll gang up on you and always be aware that enemies might spawn behind you. Staying at the top of the stairs probably isn't the best place to be as you'll have a much harder job finding enough enemies before the time limit expires.
Rampage #21
Found in Downtown, North of the stadium you'll find a helipad. The rampage is right by the entrance ramp.
Kill 30 Gang Members in 2 minutes with the Flamethrower.
The flamethrower has decent range but you're still going to have to run and jump all over the place to catch up to the gang members. As soon as you start firing, they'll run away, so make sure you get really close to a group of them before unleashing the flames. If you've completed the firefighter missions, you'll be fireproof on foot, completely eliminating the risk of Tommy cooking himself to death.
Rampage #22
Found in Downtown, in an alleyway just South of the pizza restaurant.
Drive-by and Waste 35 Gang Members in 2 minutes with the Uz-I.
You'll want to bring a vehicle with you before starting this rampage or you'll waste precious time running back to the main street. The sidewalks are full of enemies, so whether you use a bike or car for this one, just slowly make your way down the streets pouring lead out of the windows. Try not to stop completely as you may be pulled out of your vehicle.
Rampage #23
Found in Downtown, in the corner of the large hotel building, near the parking lot, at the Southern end of Downtown.
Kill 30 Gang Members in 2 minutes with the M60.
The M60 is extremely powerful and although you can't sprint while carrying it, it will pretty much kill anything in a single hit. Run towards the main road and you'll find plenty of enemies to gun down, but stay far enough back that they can't hit you with their own bullets or reach you for a fight.
Rampage #24
Found in Little Haiti, next to a red bridge just South of the Junk Yard.
Kill 35 Gang Members in 2 minutes with the S.P.A.S. 12 Shotgun.
The S.P.A.S. 12 is great for mowing down groups of enemies. As soon as you start the rampage, run to the nearest street because enemies won't spawn where you are. Keep moving and keep blasting away and you'll clear out the target score in no time.
Rampage #25
Found in Little Haiti, behind a row of houses right in front of the Printworks.
Kill 30 Gang Members in 2 minutes with the Tec-9.
You can grab a vehicle and drive-by enemies with the Tec-9 which will still count. Otherwise run to the main street and lock onto any gang members you can see. You can run around and fire while locking on with the Tec-9 so ensure you keep moving to avoid taking too much damage. You can also try to lure enemies back to where you started for a bit more protection.
Rampage #26
Found in Little Havana, in the center of a basketball court in the middle of Little Havana.
Kill 25 Gang Members in 2 minutes with the Shotgun.
No enemies will spawn on the basketball courts, so the first thing you'll want to do is head to the main street. Once there just run around locking onto the enemies and blasting away. If the enemies get too close, back off and take them out from a distance.
Rampage #27
Found in Little Havana, on a ledge right behind the bank and not far from the hospital.
Kill 10 Gang Members in 2 minutes with the Katana.
The Katana isn't great because you never know if you're going to kill the enemy when you swing it. Sometimes Tommy will stab the enemy which will be an instant kill, but when he slices, it'll usually take multiple hits to take someone down. You can sprint with the Katana though so just keep running around and chopping away at people. If you're running low on health, head to the main street to the East and you'll be able to patch yourself up at the hospital.
Rampage #28
Found in Little Havana, on the roof of the building next to the Cherry Popper Ice Cream factory.
Gun Down 20 Gang Members in 2 minutes with the Sniper Rifle.
You're going to need a helicopter to start this rampage. There's no other way to get to it. Once you land on the small roof next to the ice cream factory, you can start hunting enemies with the slow-firing sniper rifle. Plenty of enemies will spawn on the sidewalk in front of you, but if you're really struggling, consider flying your helicopter down to the street and shooting people from a better angle. You don't need headshots and enemies will usually die from a single hit, so don't waste time perfecting your aim, just hit them anywhere and move on.
Rampage #29
Found in Little Havana, on a rooftop at the corner of the street near Umberto Robina's cafe.
Kill 20 Gang Members in 2 minutes with the Ruger.
The Ruger is much easier to fire if you hold the trigger without aiming. Tommy will fire it from his shoulder with a third-person view, as opposed to going into first person with a crosshair and very jerky recoil. You'll probably be able to kill enough gang members from the starting rooftop, but heading down to street level can speed up the process albeit while risking more damage from enemies.
Rampage #30
Found on Starfish Island, next to a house at the West end of the island. You'll need to jump over the wall or the bush next door to access it.
Runover and Kill 35 Gang Members in 2 minutes with a vehicle.
You'll start the rampage in a sealed yard, so you're going to have to escape from there before you can start killing people. Park a fast car (not a bike!) just outside which you can climb straight into after vaulting over the fence then speed around the streets and splatter anyone who gets in your way. If enemies don't seem to be spawning, slow down and turn around. The faster you go, the less likely groups of enemies are to spawn so you might want to just stick to one area and loop around in circles.
Rampage #31
Found in Viceport, hidden in some bushes on the grass just West of the Pay 'n' Spray.
Kill 35 Gang Members in 2 minutes with the Grenades.
The grenades are pretty dangerous as it's easy to drop one too close to Tommy and take some serious damage. Head to the edge of the grassy hill and throw grenades across the road to make sure you stay safe. You can sprint while carrying the grenades, so run around until you find a large group of enemies then lob a grenade at them and move on to the next group.
Rampage #32
Found in Viceport, on the large ship to the East of Viceport. Head up the Southern-most entry ramp and you'll find it behind a large white pillar.
Destroy 15 Vehicles Members in 2 minutes with the Rocket Launcher.
There are plenty of vehicles which spawn at the port so you shouldn't have too much difficulty finding 15 to destroy. Run back to the main road and stay on the wooden ramp next to the boat, then target the variety of vans that you'll see driving around. If you get a wanted level, the police can provide a few extra cars to destroy.
Rampage #33
Found in Escobar International (Inside The Airport), head inside the airport and run to the back wall on the ground floor.
Kill 25 Gang Members in 2 minutes with the S.P.A.S. 12 Shotgun.
You'll probably have to run around the airport back and forth to get enough enemies to spawn, but when they do, the S.P.A.S. 12 is quick and powerful enough to take out a whole group of them at once. Utilise the run and jump technique to cover the ground more quickly.
Rampage #34
Found in Escobar International, on the roof of the airport terminal. Either use the surf sign stunt jump to launch yourself up there with a car, or land a helicopter on top.
Destroy 12 Vehicles in 2 minutes with the Rocket Launcher.
Lots of vehicles will drive past the main entrance to the airport, so stand on the edge of the roof and spam rockets all over the road. If you really struggle, you could drop down and make your way to the nearby parking lots where you're likely to find a number of vehicles waiting to be blown up.
Rampage #35
Found in Escobar International, sitting on the grass next to the army base, North of the airport.
Destroy 15 Vehicles in 2 minutes with the Minigun.
The minigun is so powerful that vehicles will explode almost as soon as you pull the trigger. Plenty of vehicles will head past the airport and army base, so just stay on the grass and spray bullets back and forth along the road.