Drive Misty For Me
Published by Psy
Drive Misty For Me
Luigi has decided you can be trusted and wants you to pick up Misty from her apartment and take her to Joey's garage.Joey
Get a vehicle and head into Hepburn Heights. Drive into the area between the big buildings and park in the blue circle. You will then be asked to press the horn, so push down which ever key or button that is set to. Misty will exit her apartment and after a slow walk, will eventually get in your vehicle. She comments on the fact that you can be trusted as you make the journey to Joey's garage. Head into Trenton and park outside Joey's Garage then watch the small cutscene to pass the mission. Joey will then invite you to do some work for him, but we should finish off Luigi first. I always like to do the missions in the order they are unlocked, and you should too for the sake of following this guide.Mission Passed!
Additional Notes
"Joey" and "The Bitch N' Dog Food Factory Phone" are now unlocked as new crime bosses.
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