Rockstar Event Details: GTA IV on the PS3

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Rockstar has posted details for the GTA IV event tommorrow, Friday, March 12th.


QUOTE: Rockstar
Stuck at work or can't reach a PlayStation 3 during our play time? No worries. Come follow all the action at the Social Club Multiplayer Events page with a live streaming broadcast of the entire event. We'll also have a chatbox up and running on game day for those that want to discuss the action as it unfolds.

Look below for specific directions you can follow to get online, grab a partner, and jump into the fray!

Grab a multiplayer friend and start up Team Deathmatch via Party Mode using the in-game cellphone. We're playing doubles again so make sure your team size is two. By starting up Team Deathmatch from Party Mode, you will be automatically placed in special lobbies together with us and other event participants. More info on using Party Mode is listed below.

Hit up the chatbox during the event or just post your PSN ID in the Comments section below.

Participating Rockstar PSN IDs for the event will be:
  • RockstarMulti1
  • RockstarMulti2
  • RockstarMulti3
  • RockstarMulti4

Party Mode is an easy way to get your group together and find matches. Here are the 3 quick and easy steps to get you up and running:

  1. Save your current game. To get started, fire up the in-game mobile phone by pressing "Up" on the D-pad. Select Multiplayer > Party Mode > Yes.
  2. From here, open up your phone again and select the Friends option to invite your friends (you need at least one friend to play with Rockstar).
  3. Once your team is ready to roll, open up the in-game phone again and select Games > Team Deathmatch for this event.

Again, please be sure that you enter the lobby in a group of two if you plan to get matched up against us and other players for the event.

Also, is still putting together a 360 deathmatch event this Monday night, March 15th. Sign up in the topic here or check out the PS3 leaderboard to see what's going on. We really want to get this competition going on both consoles and PC if there is interest.