Original GTA almost scrapped.

online TreeFitty & DuPz0ractivity 5001 Days Agoaffiliates 15346 Views
This isn't the most epic of finds in recent GTA news, but it's something for the hardcores.


A developer at DMA designs called Gary Penn mentioned recently that the GTA 1 was "almost canned" due to the poor quality it was in. He explained that "it was awful, it was too sim-y". it was unstable and had many bugs. He then went on to explain that it wasn't until they cranked up the police AI through experimentation that they really found the key ingredient which has sustained the GTA seires to this day.

Read the full story at Gamasutra here.

So, what did you think? Was the original GTA a hit or a miss for you? Was it sim'y or did it make you a hardcore fan? Discus it in the comments below or the Grand Theft Auto forums!