Gone Clubbin' PC Video Editor Contest

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Riding on the heels of the Ballad of Gay Tony Fight Club contest, Rockstar presents a new challenge to the PC video editors titled Gone Clubbin' for Social Club TV.


Whether you're styling, profiling and popping bottles in the VIP section of Maisonette 9, beating up the beat with the boys at Hercules, or even just getting rowdy at the Lost Motorcycle Clubhouse bar - use the PC version of Episodes from Liberty City's in-game suite of video editing tools to craft your own original short-subject video (at 5 minutes maximum duration or less) with a theme related to clubbing.

The winning video entry will take home a one-of-a-kind fully customized Maisonette 9 VIP themed entertainment PC from Shuttle® – powered by an Intel® quad-core processor, Sparkle GeForce® GTX 470 graphics cards and 4GB of Mushkin enhanced performance memory. The Shuttle ultimate entertainment PC is only one-third the size of a regular PC, but it brings more games, more fun, and more style to your living room. For more information, visit: http://us.shuttle.com.


Two runners-up will also receive an Episodes from Liberty City collectibles pack and a Steam code unlocking the full Rockstar back catalog for PC.

To enter, upload your video to Social Club TV using the Episodes from Liberty City PC in-game video editor anytime between now and Monday, January 3rd - so you've got the whole holiday season to create and fiddle with it - and make sure to use the tag "gone-clubbin". When you're done, go to the Gone Clubbin' channel page on Social Club TV to check out other entries as they start flowing in (and vote on the ones you like the best).

Rockstar will pick the winning clip taking into consideration entertainment value, editing quality and overall creativity as well as Social Club user ratings. Keep checking back at Social Club TV to see how other Social Clubbers think your clip stacks up against the competition and stay tuned for the winners announcement early next year.

Void in certain countries and where prohibited. See www.rockstargames.com/socialclub/events for official rules and eligibility details.