Rollercoaster Ride

online DANNY B0Yactivity 5283 Days Agogtalcsviews 1795 Views
The Last Straw

Sal hears a news flash on the radio of Jane Hopper having a little rant at the Leones. Sal sees nothing else is getting her to agree, so there's only one more thing - spooking her. She's down at HEAD RADIO HQ.


You have 2 minutes to get down there before she leaves. When you get there, kill the chauffeur and you will get his outfit. Enter the Limo and Jane comes running. Now the fun starts - you have to scare her. The best method is to line up straight at jumps, run on the wrong side of the road and speeding. Once she's frightened enough, take her to the ferry terminal and this ends Salvatore's line of missions.

Reward: $1000


You have the Chauffeur Outfit in your wardrobe.