
online TreeFittyactivity 3945 Days Agogta5views 19585 Views
Trevor can get quite mad when provoked the right way - anything related to his mother or his language. Sometimes his rage maxes out and he can't control himself anymore.

Protagonists: Trevor
Rewards: None


Rampage One

Trevor walks up to a convenience store on the southern shore of the Alamo Sea. Two younger men are having a conversation while drinking beer. Trevor tells one of them to give him a sip since his throat is dry. The man is reluctant and makes a joke about Trevor's mother being dry. The joke doesn't go over too well. The man then calls Trevor old which doesn't help. The other man pulls an assault rifle on Trevor while calling him a creepy old mother-you-know-what-er. Trevor grabs the gun and knocks him down. The two men scatter yelling to others for help with the crazed gunman.

Trevor now enters rage mode and you are told to neutralize 25 Rednecks. A timer starts counting down from 2 minutes and there is also a counter for your kills. Once the timer hits zero the rampage is over. The enemies spawn all around you and also drive up in vehicles. Some can get up on top of the store. Note the vehicles can try to run you over.


  • Use quick bursts of fire while aiming for headshots. If you have a short downtime remember to reload.
  • You also have grenades available to use. Great for vehicles or groups of enemies.
  • Look around for propane tanks that can spit fire and explode. A large tank is behind the store.
  • A great place to go is the roof of the store. A few enemies will climb up there, though, so watch your back. You may also have a little trouble with enemies staying next to the building where you can't shoot down at them.
  • If you stay on the ground use a vehicle for cover.


  • Get 45 Kills
  • Get 3 Headshots
  • Destroy 2 Vehicles

Rampage Two

Trevor walks up to a convenience store in Rancho where two Hispanic thugs are talking amongst themselves. They stop Trevor and question where's he's from. Trevor gets into a small shoving match and tells them he has a slight accent and grew up in Canada. So what? He grabs the micro SMG from one thug and they scatter.

Trevor now enters rage mode and you are told to neutralize 30 Gang Members. A timer starts counting down from 2 minutes and there is also a counter for your kills. Once the timer hits zero the rampage is over. The enemies spawn all around you and also drive up in vehicles. Many appear on top of the store and on top of surrounding buildings. Note the vehicles can try to run you over.


  • Use quick bursts of fire while aiming for headshots. If you have a short downtime remember to reload.
  • You also have grenades available to use. Great for vehicles or groups of enemies.
  • Unlike the first rampage there isn't an easy way to get on top of the store. If you want to do that you need to run around the back and climb from a dumpster to an AC unit and then to the roof.
  • With an elevated position removed, use a vehicle for cover. The SUVs have windows at the perfect height for you to shoot through while using the rest of the vehicle as a shield.


  • Get 45 Kills
  • Get 6 Headshots
  • Destroy 2 Vehicles

Rampage Three

At the end of an alley in Chamberlain Hills Trevor comes across two thugs dressed in purple. They greet the mother-you-know-what-er and confirm that they are talking to him. They move in close as Trevor explains the legality of penetration constituting sex. Trevor headbutts one thug and grabs his assault rifle. They both scatter.

Trevor now enters rage mode and you are told to neutralize 30 Gang Members. A timer starts counting down from 2 minutes and there is also a counter for your kills. Once the timer hits zero the rampage is over. The enemies spawn all around you and also drive up in vehicles. Some spawn on the roofs of the apartment buildings and many of them use pathways going between the buildings to move around. Note the vehicles can try to run you over.


  • Use quick bursts of fire while aiming for headshots. If you have a short downtime remember to reload.
  • You also have grenades available to use. Great for vehicles or groups of enemies.
  • Majority of the enemies spawn down the alley (north of you) and are behind fences or in the pathways between the buildings. Even the cars come from that direction and you can create a wreckage roadblock.
  • Use the vehicles for cover.


  • Get 50 Kills
  • Get 6 Headshots
  • Destroy 2 Vehicles

Rampage Four

At the Fort Zancudo entrance in Great Chaparral, Trevor approaches two soldiers looking at their vehicle. They ask Trevor what he's doing here and quickly come to the conclusion that he's a tourist. After making numerous Canadian references Trevor grabs a grenade launcher from the back of the vehicle and the soldiers scatter requesting backup for an insurgent.

Trevor now enters rage mode and you are told to neutralize 35 Attacking Soldiers. A timer starts counting down from 3 minutes and there is also a counter for your kills. Once the timer hits zero the rampage is over. The enemies spawn in vehicles all around you. Note the vehicles can try to run you over. A couple tanks and Barracks will also spawn.


  • You also have an assault rifle and grenades available to use. Great for vehicles or groups of enemies.
  • When using the rifle use quick bursts of fire while aiming for headshots. If you have a short downtime remember to reload.
  • The grenade launcher can be a pain to strike from a distance some times. I found it easier to wait for the vehicles to stop and then blow them up.
  • The tanks take quite a few explosive hits to destroy. They will also aim at you with their main gun so you need to move around while firing at them or find some really good cover.
  • A good place to go is the hills south of the entrance road (walk west to the trees and then up). You can pretty much take out everything from there. Step back so the tanks can't fire at you. Most of the vehicles will try to climb up the steep hill and fail. A few will go around to the west so keep an eye on them. Those ones are good opportunities for your headshots with the rifle.


  • Get 45 Kills
  • Get 6 Headshots
  • Destroy 2 Tanks

Rampage Five

At a coffee shop in Mirror Park Trevor finds a man on the phone talking about the word "cunt" being ironic and offensive as a movie title. Trevor tosses his phone and tells him his t-shirt - which says "yes you are a mother-you-know-what-er" except for actually saying the curse word - is offensive. He tells the man the only thing more offensive is post-ironic hipsters. The man shoves Trevor and tells him to go back to Canada. Trevor grabs a sawed-off shotgun from under the table (what's that doing there?) and the man runs.

Trevor now enters rage mode and you are told to neutralize 20 Killer Hipsters. A timer starts counting down from 2 minutes and there is also a counter for your kills. Once the timer hits zero the rampage is over. The enemies spawn all around you and also drive up in vehicles including Faggios and bicycles. Some spawn on the upper area of the coffee shop. Note the vehicles can try to run you over.


  • Aim for headshots. If you have a short downtime remember to reload.
  • You also have grenades available to use. Great for vehicles or groups of enemies.
  • A great place to go is the roof of the shop since there is a stairway. A few enemies will go up there, though, so watch your back. You may also have a little trouble with enemies staying next to the building where you can't shoot down at them.
  • If you stay on the ground use a vehicle for cover or the overhang area with the arches.


  • Get 30 Kills
  • Get 10 Headshots
  • Destroy 2 Vehicles

Once all the rampages are completed you can replay any of them around the map.