Map, screenshot and text locations of all 20 rampages, plus their secondary spawns, scattered across Liberty City in GTA 3.
GTA III includes 20 rampages to find and complete and they're all required for 100% completion. Each rampage has 2 spawn points. It will always start at spawn A, but each time you fail the rampage it will alternate between spawn A and B. It doesn't matter which location you complete the rampage and in some cases the second spawn is easier than the first.
Completing Rampages
Simply walk over a rampage icon to start the mission.
Once it starts, you'll be given a specific weapon with infinite ammo and be tasked with killing a set number of enemies without dying yourself - before the 2 minute time limit runs out.
Lots of enemies will spawn on the streets nearby which makes these challenges quite easy, however, many of the enemies will attempt to attack you once you start shooting, so you'll need to keep moving. In the Definitive Edition of the game, many of the gang members will simply freeze on the spot making them easier targets, but there are some occasions where it's hard to find enough enemies to complete the rampage before running out of time.
Rampages cannot be replayed once they have been completed and the icon will disappear from the game.
Rampage Rewards
Each successful rampage will award the player with $5,000, however this is multiplied by the number of rampages completed in total. The first rampage will award $5,000, the second will award $10,000, the third offers $15,000 and so on up to $100,000 for completing the 20th rampage. Once all 20 rampages have been completed, the game will also award a bonus of $1,000,000.
Rampages Map
Click below to view our rampage locations map. The numbers correspond with the screenshots and info below.
Gang Hostilities
As you progress through the story, many of the gangs in the game will become hostile towards you. This means as soon as they see you in their territory, they'll immediately chase and attack you. The rampages are much easier without having to deal with this because if anything, it'll allow you to start them with full health and get into position before being shot at. It's highly recommended that you complete the rampages as soon as you have access to each island.
For reference, the Triads will become hostile following "The Pick Up" for Toni Cipriani, the Mafia will be hostile after "Sayonara Salvatore" for Asuka Kasen and the Diablos will attack you following "Uzi Rider" for King Courtney.
Portland Rampages
There are 6 rampages to find and complete in Portland. They are all accessible from the start of the game.
Rampage #1
Spawn A: Found in Saint Mark's, between two garages just up the hill to the East of Toni Cipriani's Mama's Restaurante.
Spawn B: Found in Saint Mark's, in an alleyway one block to the South of Mama's Restaurante.
Kill 20 Mafia in 120 seconds with the AK-47.
The Mafia are very dangerous, particularly with their shotguns which can knock you down and allow them to gang up on you. At Spawn A you're pretty close to a health pickup, so use it to your advantage and stay at the top of the ledge. You should only run out into the main street if you're starting to run out of time.
Rampage #2
Spawn A: Found in Trenton, in an alleyway next to the Cabbie office, under the train tracks.
Spawn B: Found in Portland View, at the end of a ledge behind the hospital. You can get there by walking up the grassy hill behind the police station.
Kill 20 Triads in 120 seconds using the Shotgun.
The shotgun is one of the best weapons in the game due to it's wide spread and large damage. Most enemies will die in 1 hit and it's possible to hit 2 or 3 people at the same time. The only downside is you can't sprint with the shotgun so constantly jumping everywhere seems to make it slightly quicker to get around. The Triads only carry bats for the most part so once you start shooting they'll generally just run straight towards you. Simply back off and blast away. The hardest part might be finding enough enemies to kill before the time runs out. I usually run back and forth along the road in front of the Supa Save. If you're getting killed, try completing it from Spawn B and grab the health pickups from the front of the hospital when required.
Rampage #3
Spawn A: Found in Chinatown, in a large alleyway at the South West of Chinatown, next to some stairs which lead up to the rooftop.
Spawn B: Found in Portland View, right next to the Supa Save.
Kill 25 Triads in 120 seconds with the Uzi.
You can complete this rampage on foot, or using a vehicle. You're much safer by grabbing a car and slowly driving down the street attacking the Triads with a drive-by. Don't stop completely or they'll pull you out of the car which will waste a lot of time and potentially risk losing health. If your car catches fire, bail and find another one. This is probably easier from spawn A with more streets for the enemies to spawn on.
Rampage #4
Spawn A: Found in Red Light District, in an alleyway just to the East of Luigi's Club.
Spawn B: Found in Chinatown, on some grass in the corner between the Old School Hall and the Callahan Bridge.
Murder 30 Diablos in 120 seconds with the M16.
The M16 spits out bullets at a rapid rate, but that makes it recoil badly too. You can't lock on to enemies with it either, as aiming will switch to a first person view. You also can't sprint while carrying it. The best technique is to fire the weapon without actually aiming as this will allow you to control the bullets from a third-person perspective. You'll only need to hit each enemy once to take them out, but 30 is still quite a lot to find, so you might need to run back and forth around the streets while they spawn. Spawn point B works quite well if you run onto the basketball courts as the fences will prevent most of the Diablos from reaching you while you can still shoot them through it.
Rampage #5
Spawn A: Found in Saint Mark's, on the train tracks to the North of the hospital. Head up there via the train station up the hill in Saint Mark's.
Spawn B: Found in Trenton, again on the train tracks. You can head the opposite way down the tracks from Saint Marks and you'll find it fairly close to Joey's garage.
Destroy 10 vehicles in 120 seconds with Grenades.
You probably don't need me to say this, but the Grenades are extremely dangerous. If you get caught in the blast, you'll lose at least half of your health. You need to be very careful when throwing them as it's possible to essentially drop them at your feet and blow yourself up. You can try staying on the train tracks and lobbing grenades off the side. Blowing up one car will often lead to a chain explosion which can take out a few at the same time, and these all count. Once you're down to the final 30 seconds you might want to drop down and target vehicles specifically from ground level. If you're struggling, try parking a car at a junction before you start and hopefully the backed up traffic will help you take out a big chunk in one blast.
Rampage #6
Spawn A: Found in Trenton, inside a grassy alleyway not far from the Callahan Bridge.
Spawn B: Found in Callahan Point, next to a tree behind a wall, just up the hill from Greasy Joe's Cafe.
Destroy 13 vehicles in 120 seconds with the Rocket Launcher.
The rocket launcher is very powerful. It's easy to aim, allows you to zoom in, and will take out any vehicle almost immediately. If the explosion is too close you will take damage however, and for some reason the pedestrians get very angry with you when you start blowing up their city, so you ideally want to be somewhere secluded with a view of the road. Try walking up the wooden ramp at the opposite end of Spawn A for a good vantage point. The road next to Spawn B usually has a lot of traffic so it should be quite easy here too. If you get a wanted level, you can blow up police vehicles, but be aware that any explosions that happen after the rampage is complete will likely give you another wanted level.
Staunton Island Rampages
There are 7 rampages to find and complete on Staunton Island. They're technically all accessible from the start of the game, although you'll need to access Staunton Island via a glitch before it's unlocked officially after completing "Last Requests".
Rampage #7
Spawn A: Found in Newport, at the corner of a triangular building on the expressway leading to Fort Staunton.
Spawn B: Found in Newport, at the end of the raised road which passes the Pay 'n' Spray and 8-Ball's bomb shop, just East of the multi story car park.
Torch 16 Yakuza in 120 seconds using Molotov Cocktails.
The Molotovs are quite dangerous, similar to the grenades. If you don't throw them far enough you'll set yourself on fire and you can only handle 2 lots of fire damage before all of your health is gone. The Yakuza will run away from you when they see the fire so you'll need to sprint after them until you catch a group of them together and try to burn 3 or so at the same time. At both spawns, you're better off dropping down to street level and specifically targeting the enemies rather than hopefully lobbing molotovs off the side.
Rampage #8
Spawn A: Found in Belleville Park, at the South West corner of the park, behind a wall next to the road.
Spawn B: Found in Belleville Park, at the North East corner of the park.
Destroy 8 vehicles in 120 seconds with the Shotgun.
The Shotgun packs a serious punch and you'll set a car on fire with two shots most of the time. There should be a lot of traffic around the park, so target a car 2nd in line at the traffic lights. That way, when it tries to drive away after the first shot, the car in front will prevent it escaping. Shoot it again and the explosion should take out 2 or 3 cars at once. Try this a few times and you should be sorted.
Rampage #9
Spawn A: Found in Bedford Point, down an alleyway just across the road from Donald Love's office block.
Spawn B: Found in Bedford Point, right next to the main church building.
Burn 25 Yakuza in 120 seconds with the Flamethrower.
The Yakuza will generally run away when they see the flames, so you should only open fire when you get close to a group of them. Those in the distance will usually just stand around but you can't sprint with the flamethrower so running and constantly jumping makes it a bit quicker to get around. The main problem with this rampage is finding enough enemies to kill before the time runs out.
Rampage #10
Spawn A: Found in Belleville Park, down an alleyway next to the fire department, just South of the stadium.
Spawn B: Found in Belleville Park, in the corner of an alleyway just North from the safehouse.
Explode 25 Yardies in 120 seconds with Grenades.
The Yardies will attack you once you start attacking them. You can try to use this to your advantage by getting to higher ground, such as on the wall of the car park South of the stadium, then blowing them up from a distance. Otherwise you're going to need to keep moving and run around the streets, ensuring you don't get too close to any of the explosions.
Rampage #11
Spawn A: Found in Torrington. Head up the stairs of the AMCO building and you'll find the rampage marker waiting at the top of the first flight.
Spawn B: Found in Torrington, at the end of a walk way up some stairs at Kenji's Casino. It's not the rooftop where the helicopter is parked, it's the one slightly lower down at the other side.
Pop 17 Yardie heads in 120 seconds using the Sniper Rifle.
The headshot rampages are some of the hardest in the game. Enemies in the distance will often stand completely still making them an easy target, but hitting them directly in the head rather than the shoulder can be quite tricky from higher ground. I'd suggest you make your way down to street level where you'll be able to get a better angle. Thankfully the Yardies don't seem to mind you popping their heads so you don't have to worry about being attacked too much, but I'd still recommend targeting the enemies further down the street. If you fail the first location, you're going to want to jump down immediately at the start from spawn B - which will lose some health - because running down the stairs will waste a good 30 seconds that you'll probably need.
Rampage #12
Spawn A: Found in Bedford Point, hidden in the graveyard of the chuch. You can access it from the main road which runs along the West side of the island.
Spawn B: Found in Bedford Point, in the bushes next to the main road, some stairs and a gap which leads to a large car park area.
Annihilate 30 Yardies in 120 seconds with the Rocket Launcher.
There's not really any high ground you can get to where the rampage spawns so you should target groups of enemies across the road from you. Occasionally an enemy might attack you or come too close and blowing them up will certainly cause you damage. It's quite likely you'll receive a wanted level while blowing stuff up on this rampage and you can't sprint with the rocket launcher, so I'd suggest keeping a car nearby so you can move to another area if things get heated.
Rampage #13
Spawn A: Found in Liberty Campus, tucked down an alleyway to the South of the Southern-most building.
Spawn B: Found in Fort Staunton, in the North East corner of the construction site by some red girders.
Destroy 15 vehicles in 120 seconds with the M16.
The M16 sprays bullets like they're going out of fashion, so it will only take a second or so of sustained fire to blow up a car. It can sometimes fire so quickly that the car will blow up before it's had a chance to catch fire, which can lead to it blowing up twice, and they both count. Find some high ground and just spray away at parked traffic. If you get a wanted level, blowing up cop cars is quite helpful, but just be careful there isn't an explosion once you finish the rampage of you'll get another wanted level.
Shoreside Vale Rampages
There are 7 rampages to find and complete in Shoreside Vale. They are all accessible once you have access to Shoreside Vale after completing "Grand Theft Aero" for Donald Love. It's also possible to access Shoreside Vale early using a glitch which allows the rampages to be completed from the start of the game.
Rampage #14
Spawn A: Found in Francis Intl. Airport, behind a large billboard which faces the airport's main entrance.
Spawn B: Found in Francis Intl. Airport, on some grass to the South of the hospital.
Splatter 20 Colombians with a car in 120 seconds.
This one is pretty easy. Make sure you have a reasonably quick car parked nearby before you start it, ideally one with no damage, then drive back and forth along the sidewalk in front of the airport and squish the Colombians. They'll be hostile towards you so your car might take a few shots but hopefully you'll take most of them out without catching fire.
Rampage #15
Spawn A: Found in Wichita Gardens, behind a billboard on the hill, North East of the lower area where the tower blocks are.
Spawn B: Found in Cedar Grove, behind the three billboards on the corner of the S-shaped road which leads North from the hideout.
Behead 20 Hoods in 120 seconds using the M16.
It could be argued that this is the most difficult rampage in the game. The recoil on the M16 when aiming is crazy so you'll need to ensure you get a headshot with the first bullet you fire, otherwise you're likely to hit the enemies in the shoulder or arm which won't count. If you fire without aiming you should be able to control the M16 in third-person view which can make it slightly easier to get heashots if there's a line of enemies nearby. You're going to want to be at street level to make this easier, but enemies will come after you.
Rampage #16
Spawn A: Found in Wichita Gardens, on the roof of a garage at the lower section near the tower blocks. Drop down from the main road near your hideout to land on the roof.
Spawn B: Found in Francis Intl. Airport, behind the billboards to the East of the airport's main entrance road.
Splatter 20 Hoods in 120 seconds using the Shotgun.
This one shouldn't pose too many problems given the shotguns' power. You might still want to drop to street level but you can take out 2 or 3 enemies at once with the shotgun if they're close enough.
Rampage #17
Spawn A: Found in Pike Creek, quite visible from the main road, it's behind a small white booth next to the Punk Noodles factory.
Spawn B: Found in Cochrane Dam, at the lowest part of the dam where the road loops around, it's tucked behind some rocks next to the road.
Driveby and destroy 7 vehicles in 120 seconds with the Uzi.
Before you start this rampage, steal a few cars and park them next to the rampage location. You could even use them to block the road. Then just get in a car and shoot one of the empty cars you parked and watch the chain explosion. Chasing after cars is tricky because you'll need a good few seconds of sustained shooting to blow up the car and they'll drive away pretty quick.
Rampage #18
Spawn A: Found in Pike Creek, on the roof of a large warehouse for the Turtle Head Fishing Co. Head up the stairs to the roof and it'll be impossible to miss it.
Spawn B: Found in Pike Creek, behind a Badfellas billboard on some grass to the North of the airport car park.
Destroy 15 vehicles in 120 seconds with the Rocket Launcher.
This one is very easy, just make sure you stand close enough to the edge of the warehouse roof so that you don't accidentally fire at your feet. There'll be a lot of cars stopping at the lights just below you, so you should be able to take out enough to pass the rampage before running out of time. Assuming you end up with a three-star wanted level, police helicopters also count.
Rampage #19
Spawn A: Found in Pike Creek, at the end of an alleyway which ends with a wooden ramp. It's just behind a wooden box next to the ramp.
Spawn B: Found in Pike Creek, on top of the garages behind the police station.
Remove 15 Colombian heads in 120 seconds with the Sniper Rifle.
This one has a good spawn point so you're pretty safe from enemy fire, but you're more limited by what you can hit. You'll ideally want to target the enemies further away, down the streets, however a number of them will probably gang up directly below your position. If you're able to look over the side without falling down, there should be some easy pickings. Otherwise you'll need to be quick at hitting the enemies walking along the street because time can be quite limited. Spawn B might have a slightly better angle for headshots, but you might also take some damage from gunfire.
Rampage #20
Spawn A: Found in Cedar Grove, behind the garage of a house with a Landstalker parked in the driveway.
Spawn B: Found in Cochrane Dam, in front of the garage West of the Import / Export garage.
Fry 20 Colombians in 120 seconds with the Flamethrower.
The Colombians are hostile and will always try to attack you. If you stay behind a wall or hedge you can spray fire through it and torch anyone that walks past. You definitely want to try to keep your distance and give quick blasts of the flamethrower to set people on fire before escaping. Remember to utilise the run and jump technique to move quicker as you can't sprint with the flamethrower.