Marked Man
Published by Psy
Marked Man
Ray is in deep crap with the FBI and needs to escape to the airport. You need to take him, despite the fact the FBI have blocked off the bridge.Get Me Outta Here
Make sure you have a fast car parked close by when you start this mission, as you're going to need to go pretty damn fast. As soon as it starts, speed towards the hospital, and go down into the subway. Go right on the tracks and follow that all the way along until you get to the airport train station. Head all the way out the top, then drive down the steps and park in the blue circle outside of the airport. Ray will tell you that he has some weapons and a truck for you in his lockup, so head back through the train tunnel like before and come up at the hospital. From there head towards the Callahan Bridge. Just right of there is his lock up with some high powered weapons such as a Rocket Launcher, M16, a Sniper Rifle and a Flame Thrower. Alongside that is a Bullet Proof Patriot which should be saved in your garage for more difficult missions.Mission Passed!
Additional Notes
Ray's missions complete. Don't forget to save that Bullet Proof Patriot in your garage!
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