Map, screenshot and text locations of all 100 hidden packages scattered across Liberty City in GTA 3.
GTA III includes 100 hidden packages to find and collect. For every 10 packages you collect you'll unlock a new weapon at your safehouse meaning free ammo, so they're definitely worth hunting down as soon as possible.
Collecting Packages
Simply walk over a package to collect it. You'll know when you see one as they're floating in the air with a glowing white light around them.
Package Collection Rewards
Each package you collect will reward the player with $1,000. In addition, after every 10 packages collected, a new weapon or item will unlock and permanently spawn outside all 3 hideouts.
Packages |
Reward |
10 |
Pistol |
20 |
Uzi |
30 |
Grenades |
40 |
Shotgun |
50 |
Body Armor |
60 |
Molotov Cocktails |
70 |
AK-47 |
80 |
Sniper Rifle |
90 |
M16 |
100 |
Rocket Launcher + $1,000,000 |
Hidden Packages Map
Click below to view our hidden package locations map. The numbers correspond with the screenshots and info below.

Portland Hidden Packages
There are 33 hidden packages to collect in Portland. Two of them (#16 and #33) require access to Staunton Island and are therefore not accessible from the start of the game, however they can be obtained using a glitch to get to the other islands early.
Hidden Package #1
Found in Harwood, Portland
Found right at the Northern end of the large concrete walkway that runs alongside the water on the West side of Portland.
Hidden Package #2
Found in Harwood, Portland
This one is on the roof of the Head Radio building. You can access the rooftop by making your way to the nearest train station, climb the stairs and run along the tracks and jump down onto the roof. There's a flamethrower you can pick up here too if you manage to jump down to the right place. Afterwards, it is possible to jump back up to the track with a little bit of practice to avoid losing any health from a fall from the rooftop.
Hidden Package #3
Found in Saint Marks, Portland
On the roof of a building at the gas station. You can jump onto the wall around the outside, walk around it until the highest point, then drop down onto the building in the corner and sprint-jump across to the rooftop where the package is found. You'll lose a bit of health doing this, but there's a health pickup near the entrance to the gas station.
Hidden Package #4
Found in Saint Marks, Portland
Found inside the Easy Credit Autos garage. You'll need to smash the glass to get in, so grab a vehicle from the parking lot and drive it through the window. In the Definitive Edition, there's a Patriot parked in the corner of the building right next to the package.
Hidden Package #5
Found in Saint Marks, Portland
Slightly South of the gas station is an entrance to an alleyway which leads to the back of a building. Follow it around and the package can be found floating in the darkness at the South side of the building.
Hidden Package #6
Found in Portland Beach, Portland
In the center of Saint Marks is a large crane. The package is resting on top of some rubble near a broken wall. It looks out on the road full of potholes which is closed off with orange cones.
Hidden Package #7
Found in Saint Marks, Portland
Head to the top of the hill in Saint Marks and you'll see a grassy area to the Northern end where the road curves. There's often a Taxi parked here. Climb or drive over the angled rooftop and you'll end up on a grassy rooftop garden where the package should be immediately visible. To get out of there, follow the grass down and go over the next angled roof. There's a shotgun to pick up on the left side as you make your way back down to street level.
Hidden Package #8
Found in Portland Beach, Portland
Head up to Salvatore's mansion on the hill, make your way to the actual house then walk along the Northern side where you'll find the package near the railing.
Hidden Package #9
Found in Portland Beach, Portland
Almost directly below Salvatore's mansion, there is a small arch in the cliff next to the beach. The package is found floating on a patch of grass near the arch. You're much safer getting this one on foot as a vehicle could slide into the water.
Hidden Package #10
Found in Hepburn Heights, Portland
There's a small grassy area in the middle of Hepburn Heights, near the train station stairs. The package is hidden in the center by a small hill and a tree.
Hidden Package #11
Found in Hepburn Heights, Portland
There's a raised circular planter in the middle of the concrete park between the high-rise buildings in Hepburn Heights. The package is floating in the centre of this planter, surrounded by foliage.
Hidden Package #12
Found in Portland
Head North along the road from the safehouse and you'll see an entrance to an area between two tall buildings. Head inside and you'll see a wooden ramp. Walk to the left of the ramp and continue around the building where you'll find the package tucked away in the corner.
Hidden Package #13
Found in Red Light District, Portland
An alleyway from the main street leads to the back of Luigi's Club. From there, you can head up some stairs to the rooftop. The package is resting behind a billboard on a raised area at the top of the stairs.
Hidden Package #14
Found in Red Light District, Portland
After collecting the previous package, you'll need to jump diagonally from one rooftop to the next behind Luigi's Club. If you make it, you'll find the package perched on the corner of the roof, facing out towards the train station and Staunton Island.
Hidden Package #15
Found in Red Light District, Portland
Head around the building opposite Luigi's Club and you'll find an alleyway with some stairs leading to the rooftop. Head up and you'll find the package waiting for you at the top of a ramp.
Hidden Package #16
Found in Red Light District, Portland
This package can only be officially accessed once Staunton Island has been unlocked as it's behind a locked gate. There is, however, a glitch to gain access to the other islands early.
Inside the Portland subway. Head down the stairs and you'll find it next to a vending machine to the left of the main entrance.
Hidden Package #17
Found in Portland
Next to the subway entrance is a building with glass windows. The package is inside here so you'll need to drive a vehicle through the window to gain access.
Hidden Package #18
Found in Saint Marks, Portland
Find the entrance to an alleyway at the South-East end of Saint Marks. You'll find the package on some grass behind a wall. There's an Uzi you can pick up here too.
Hidden Package #19
Found in Saint Marks, Portland
This package is in a tunnel below Saint Marks. You won't find it heading directly to the map location.
You can enter the 'tramp tunnel' from the Northern part of Portland, near the abandoned rail yard, or from a fairly well hidden entrance behind the Supa Save! just South of the train tracks in Saint Marks. Once inside the tunnel you'll find the package surrounded by four homeless people. Each of them holds a molotov cocktail which you can pickup if you kill them.
Hidden Package #20
Found in Chinatown, Portland
In the center of Chinatown is a blocked off pedestrian street. From there you'll find a dark alleyway containing cardboard boxes and other rubbish. The package is half way along the alley.
Hidden Package #21
Found in Chinatown, Portland
The most South-Western building in Chinatown has a set of stairs which leads to the rooftop. Once up there you'll find the package in the North-Eastern corner next to a water tower.
Hidden Package #22
Found in Chinatown, Portland
An alleyway runs through the building East of the previous package. You'll find this one half way along this alley, once again surrounded by boxes and rubbish.
Hidden Package #23
Found in Portland View, Portland
Make your way to the train station in Saint Marks then follow the stairs up and run along the tracks. Follow them a short way around the bend then jump off to land on the roof of the Supa Save! below. The package is on the far corner of the rooftop facing the back of the hospital / police station.
Hidden Package #24
Found in Trenton, Portland
Head back to the train station in Saint Marks and make your way along the track again, over Supa Save! until you reach the buildings below with a large chimney. You'll see a red metal platform sticking out the side of the tracks facing to the South-West. Run along this platform and sprint-jump to the rooftop below then follow the rooftop around carefully. The package is on the corner of the rooftop overlooking Joey's garage. You'll find a variety of other goodies up here too including an AK47 and body armor.
Hidden Package #25
Found in Trenton, Portland
Next to Joey's garage is the Bitchin' Dog Food Company. If you head to the large gate at the South-West of the compound it will open, then you can head inside the yard and walk around the building where you'll find the package wedged between the outer wall and the building itself.
Hidden Package #26
Found in Portland Harbor, Portland
There is a large warehouse at the South of Portland Harbor. You'll find some stairs leading to the rooftop. Once up there, you'll be able to see the hidden package on an awning to the North. You'll need to sprint-jump from the warehouse roof to the awning rooftop to grab this package. You'll take some damage doing this, and again when dropping down after collecting the package, so don't attempt to get this if you're running low on health.
Hidden Package #27
Found in Trenton, Portland
Across the road from Joey's garage is a small parking lot with a meshed wire fence which runs around the building. Follow the fence around behind the building and you'll find the package sitting there on the concrete. If you're in a car you can just smash the metal fence down for quicker access.
Hidden Package #28
Found in Trenton, Portland
If you follow the road South from the hospital / police station, you'll see a grassy area between buildings you can access as the road curves. Head inside here and follow the building around to the left where you'll find the package in the corner by the wall.
Hidden Package #29
Found in Callahan Point, Portland
There are a few ways you can get to this one, but it's behind a wall, on some grass, at the bottom of the Callahan Bridge. You can either jump onto the side of the bridge then drop down, or head around the building from the other side to make your way to it.
Hidden Package #30
Found in Trenton, Portland
This is on the roof of the sawmill. To access it, you'll need to head to the Coach park which is South-West of Portland Harbor, where the road curves. You can walk up the wall next to the road to jump over into the industrial area, then use the pile of sand to gain access to the slanted rooftops. Follow it all of the way along and up to the end where you'll find the package overlooking the road. You can grab some body armor and an Uzi on the way across the rooftops.
Hidden Package #31
Found in Atlantic Quays, Portland
Pretty simple, just follow the large concrete pier to the end and the package is floating by some shipping containers overlooking the harbor.
Hidden Package #32
Found in Callahan Point, Portland
This one is inside the Triad fish factory compound. The gates will only open if you're driving a Mr. Wongs Triad truck which you can jack from Chinatown, however with a van or ambulance it's easy to jump over the wall too. Once inside, you'll find the package between the South wall and the warehouse. Be aware that the Triads inside won't take too kindly to your trespassing and will shoot at you. The gates will open from the inside to let you out.
Hidden Package #33
Found in Callahan Point, Portland
This package can only be officially accessed once Staunton Island has been unlocked as it's on an island which requires a boat. There is, however, a glitch to gain access to the other islands early.
You can only get this one with a boat, so you'll likely need to wait until you've unlocked Staunton Island through the story. Once Staunton is unlocked, grab a boat then head to the large island to the South of Portland. Carefully reverse the boat next to the rocks then jump onto the island to grab the package and jump back onto your boat to escape. If you lose the boat then drowning is your only option to get back to land.
Staunton Island Hidden Packages
There are 36 hidden packages to collect on Staunton Island. They are all accessible once you have access by completing the mission "Last Requests".
Hidden Package #34
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
Right at the North of Staunton Island, near the Liberty City Cocks stadium, is an army surplus store run by Phil 'the one armed bandit'. Head all of the way to the North then along the small passage around the outside and you'll find the package in the North-West corner of the compound.
Hidden Package #35
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
At the North-East end of the stadium are three Rockstar billboards. The package is hidden behind the middle one next to the stadium wall.
Hidden Package #36
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
This one is on a roof slightly above the hospital car park. The easiest and best way to get it is to park an Ambulance next to the roof then jump up onto the front of the vehicle and on top for easy access.
Hidden Package #37
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
You'll fund this package right at the top of the steps next to a gate at the South end of the stadium.
Hidden Package #38
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
Hidden by a doorway down a path at the Eastern side of Liberty Campus.
Hidden Package #39
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
This one is inside a garage behind a locked gate which will only open if you're driving a Cartel Cruiser. Either jack one of those vehicles from around the construction site - but watch out for the Cartel gamg members who will constantly attack you - or find a bigger vehicle, such as an Ambulance and use it to jump over the gate. Once inside, the gate will open to let you out.
Hidden Package #40
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
The package is tucked away on the dirt at the ground level, just to the East of the tower which is being constructed. Head towards the blue fence near some concrete pillars and you should see it. There's a red barrel nearby too.
Hidden Package #41
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
Slightly North from the previous package, find the stairs leading up to a shorter tower under construction. Once at the top, you'll find health, body armor and the package sitting in a concrete room.
Hidden Package #42
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
East of the construction site above the main road is a brown, rusty looking bridge. You'll need to walk up the curved sides of it slowly and carefully, then along the central beam to grab the package. You'll probably be constantly under fire from the Cartel while you get this, so go as quickly as you can.
Hidden Package #43
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
This package is inside a small open garage just North of the multi-story car park. The ramp nearby leads to the Pay'n'Spray.
Hidden Package #44
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
Inside the multi-story car park. Head up 1 level and you'll find it tucked in the corner next to a ramp at the North end of the car park.
Hidden Package #45
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
On the West side of Staunton Island, not far from the stadium you'll find this package in the corner of a wide alley.
Hidden Package #46
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
This one is accessible by jumping from the round road which leads up to the bridge to Shoreside Vale. You can also get it by jumping on top of a large vehicle.
Hidden Package #47
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
On the West side of Staunton Island, follow the main road from North to South. As you go under the road above you, keep an eye out to the left where you'll find the package in the far corner.
Hidden Package #48
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
At the North end of Belleville Park are two basketball courts. The package is floating in the center of the North-most one.
Hidden Package #49
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
In the center of Belleville Park you'll come to a small stone bridge. The package is stored neatly below it.
Hidden Package #50
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
This one can be found next to the water on the docks just to the North of the Callahan Bridge. There are three sets of docks near the bridge and this package is on the middle one.
Hidden Package #51
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
At a dead end next to the Callahan Bridge.
Hidden Package #52
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
Climb to the top of the steps at the museum and you'll find this package next to the white pillars.
Hidden Package #53
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
This one is behind a locked gate at the LC Police Station. The gates will open if you're driving a police vehicle, and fortunately there's usually one which spawns in the car park at the front of the building. Drive it to the gate then when it opens, drive through and you'll find the package near the back wall of the building. You can also jump over the wall using a large vehicle like an Ambulance.
Hidden Package #54
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
Head down the ramp from the main police station and you'll find this package tucked away in the shadows under a road.
Hidden Package #55
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
This one can be found on the Southern-most docks, just South of the Callahan Bridge.
Hidden Package #56
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
On the Western side of Staunton Island you'll see a large church or cathedral. Head towards the main door from the South and you'll find the package hidden in a small alcove nearby.
Hidden Package #57
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
This one is quite simple, just head down the long alley in the central part of downtown Staunton Island.
Hidden Package #58
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
The AMCO building has an underground car park. Find the entrance to it, then when you're at the bottom, the package will be visible near the elevators.
Hidden Package #59
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
This one is on top of the AMCO building. Locate the stairs then follow them all of the way to the top and you'll find the package in a nice rooftop garden area.
Hidden Package #60
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
Just across the road from the previous packages in downtown is a building with glass windows. Smash through, then climb the ramp to the top floor.
Hidden Package #61
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
Make your way up the stairs to the rooftop of Kenji's Casino. You'll find this in the far corner of the roof past a Rockstar Games logo helicopter.
Hidden Package #62
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
At the South-East end of Staunton Island is a large pedestrian area with a star shaped monument. The package can be found right behind it. You can climb to the top of the monument by walking up it.
Hidden Package #63
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
This one is right in the center of a walk way which crosses the road between the subway entrance and Donald Love's building. Head up the stairs at either side to grab it.
Hidden Package #64
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
Locate the staircase leading towards a parking area between buildings. At the top of the stairs you'll be able to see the package on a small roof. Jump up and collect it.
Hidden Package #65
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
Almost directly below the previous package is an underground car park. Head down and you'll find it hidden in the shadows at the back.
Hidden Package #66
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
Inside the car parking area between the various buildings, you'll find this package by a lamp post, some trash, a dumpster and occasionally a parked car.
Hidden Package #67
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
When driving along the main road from East to West, keep an eye out for a small alcove in front of one of the buildings.
Hidden Package #68
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
In the South-West of the island you'll find a ramp taking you down to a dock which faces Shoreside Vale's airport runway. The package is hidden by some rocks near the dock.
Hidden Package #69
Found in Somewhere, Staunton Island
This package is not officially accessible until Shoreside Vale is unlocked and the lift bridge is operational. You can get this early by using a glitch to get to the other islands then flying the Dodo onto the bridge, however it's a very challenging task.
Once you have access to Shoreside Vale, wait on the central section of the bridge which lifts up and down. When it's at the top, you'll see the package floating above the central section. You might need to jump on a car to get up to it.
Shoreside Vale Hidden Packages
There are 31 hidden packages to collect in Shoreside Vale. They are all accessible once you have access by completing the mission "Grand Theft Aero" for Donald Love.
Hidden Package #70
Found in Somewhere, Shoreside Vale
Head to the end of the road which runs in front of Francis International Airport. You'll find the package hidden behind some billboards at the corner of the road.
Hidden Package #71
Found in Somewhere, Shoreside Vale
Make your way down into the Subway outside the airport. Once you reach the bottom of the first set of steps, head along the corridor to the other side of the station, then down the next set of stairs. You'll find the package in the corner of the station at the bottom of the stairs.
Hidden Package #72
Found in Somewhere, Shoreside Vale
At the North of the main airport building is a road which leads inside the airport, with a car park to the right. Half way along you'll pass a fire department and usually there's a Firetruck parked out front. The package is just to the South of the parked Firetruck, in front of the fire department building.
Hidden Package #73
Found in Somewhere, Shoreside Vale
Right next to the fire department is a gap in the fence leading to a large round building in the center of the airport. Head inside and make your way around to the right / West. The package is close to the large wall at the end of the area.
Hidden Package #74
Found in Somewhere, Shoreside Vale
Continue along the road from the fire department and smash through a railing to gain access to the main airport area. You'll see a number of large parked planes here and the first package in this location is under the wing of one of the last planes as you make your way to the East. It's the plane in front of the hangars, closest to the rounded building next to the yellow and white striped ramps.
Hidden Package #75
Found in Somewhere, Shoreside Vale
Slightly to the South of the previous package, you'll see a plane parked next to a small terminal building which sticks out from the main airport. This package is under the wing of this plane. You'll see some parked helicopters nearby so you'll know you're close.
Hidden Package #76
Found in Somewhere, Shoreside Vale
At the West end of the main runway is a raised helipad with a parked helicopter. The package is floating right behind it.
Hidden Package #77
Found in Somewhere, Shoreside Vale
Stick to the side of the runway and you'll discover a ramp leading down to a path next to the water. The package is most of the way along towards the West.
Hidden Package #78
Found in Somewhere, Shoreside Vale
At the end of the main runway which heads directly East. Follow the ramp down to the side and the package is a bit further back from the end of the runway.
Hidden Package #79
Found in Somewhere, Shoreside Vale
Follow the main road after crossing the bridge into Shoreside Vale and you'll see a dirt path leading to a broken wooden bridge to the North-East. The package is floating just below the broken bridge on some mud.
Hidden Package #80
Found in Somewhere, Shoreside Vale
You'll see a row of numbered garage doors in a fairly industrial looking area. The package is resting on the awning above the garages. You'll need to climb the nearby stairs to the roof of a warehouse then sprint-jump across to grab it.
Hidden Package #81
Found in Somewhere, Shoreside Vale
Directly around the back of the garage warehouse from the previous package. Just walk around and pick it up once you're back at ground level.
Hidden Package #82
Found in Somewhere, Shoreside Vale
This one can be found next to a dumpster behind the hospital in Shoreside Vale.
Hidden Package #83
Found in Somewhere, Shoreside Vale
This one is on a shipping container, slightly below the slanted road just East of the hospital, or a block South of the Pay'n'Spray. The easiest way to grab it is by jumping over the wall and dropping down, but you can also park a vehicle, such as an Ambulance, next to the container to jump onto it.
Hidden Package #84
Found in Somewhere, Shoreside Vale
Right behind the police station in Shoresive Vale are two long rows of garages. The package is at the end of the Northern-most row. You can jump over the wall to get on top of the garages.
Hidden Package #85
Found in Somewhere, Shoreside Vale
Make your way into the entrance between a large brick wall, then follow the building along to the East and you'll find the package next to a wire fence, by some stacks of wood and barrels.
Hidden Package #86
Found in Somewhere, Shoreside Vale
This one is right next to the import / export garage, however it's behind a wire fence that can't be knocked over. The official way to reach this area would be using the unique stunt jump from further up the hill, however you can use a large vehicle, like an Ambulance or other van to jump over the fence. Once inside, you can grab the package then use the nearby ramp to escape, although you'll lose some health from the fall if you're on foot. If you managed to get your vehicle in there with you, don't use too much speed when leaving the area as you may end up jumping into the water at the bottom of the steep hills below.
Hidden Package #87
Found in Somewhere, Shoreside Vale
Head up to the top of the Cochrane Dam and you'll find this one at the end of the Western-most observation walkway.
Hidden Package #88
Found in Somewhere, Shoreside Vale
Slightly further North from the previous package is another observation walkway. There's another package to be found at the end of this one.
Hidden Package #89
Found in Somewhere, Shoreside Vale
At the lower section of the Cochrane Dam, make your way in the main entrance, along the dirt road and climb the first set of stairs you come to on the right. The package is waiting for you with a view of the rest of the dam.
Hidden Package #90
Found in Somewhere, Shoreside Vale
Continue along the lower dam and make your way up to the helipad at the end. The package can be found near the concrete slope of the dam, between two large grey pipes.
Hidden Package #91
Found in Somewhere, Shoreside Vale
On the other side of the helipad at the bottom of the dam is a road which loops around. Make your way down here and you'll find the package in the corner next to the dam base. If you're coming from the previous package you can run down the sloped part of the dam to save time and health.
Hidden Package #92
Found in Somewhere, Shoreside Vale
Make your way along the most Northern road you can access in Shoreside Vale from West to East. This package can be found at the back of the first house you'll pass, between the house and its pool.
Hidden Package #93
Found in Somewhere, Shoreside Vale
This one is behind the 2nd house when heading West to East. You'll find it resting on the back porch.
Hidden Package #94
Found in Somewhere, Shoreside Vale
This package can be found on the front porch of the third house from West to East. You should be able to find a way through from the previous package without needing to go all of the way around the block.
Hidden Package #95
Found in Somewhere, Shoreside Vale
This package is behind the locked gate of the mansion at the North East of Shoreside Vale. The gates will only open if you're driving a Cartel Cruiser, but thankfully there will be plenty of them driving past. Be aware that the Cartel members on foot will constantly shoot at you while you're in the area. Once you're inside the gates, find the pool at the East end of the complex and the package is waiting at the deep end.
Hidden Package #96
Found in Somewhere, Shoreside Vale
Down at water-level, you'll find a picnic area at the North East side of Shoreside Vale. The package is floating in the corner, not far from the picnic tables and a parked Bobcat.
Hidden Package #97
Found in Somewhere, Shoreside Vale
On the South side of the sloped road which heads towards the Shoreside Vale hideout are two tower blocks. The package is on the ground right between both of them.
Hidden Package #98
Found in Somewhere, Shoreside Vale
This one can be found in the South-Western doorway of the North-Western tower block.
Hidden Package #99
Found in Somewhere, Shoreside Vale
Right behind the Shoreside Vale hideout building is a small grassy area with some trees and a parked Toyz van. The package is right behind the van, in the corner of the area.
Hidden Package #100
Found in Somewhere, Shoreside Vale
On the sidewalk in a small tunnel just down the hill from the entrance to the dam.
Reward: $1,000,000
Your reward for collecting all packages is $1,000,000 in cold, hard cash. You'll also unlock the rocket launcher at your hideout.
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