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Cipriani's Chauffeur

Published by Psy
Last Updated

Cipriani's Chauffeur


Joey has finished work on a Mafia Sentinel and wants you to use it to take Toni Cipriani to his restaurant in Saint Marks.

Introduction To The Mafia

Toni tells you that he wants to drop by the laundry in China Town because he has some business to take care of so head into China Town and park outside the laundry. Toni will go inside to do business but things turn ugly as the Triads start shooting at him. Once he's back in the car quickly drive away from China Town and take Toni to his mommas place in Saint Marks.

Mission Passed!

Additional Notes

Tony Cipriani has been unlocked as a new crime boss.
The Uzi is available for purchase at Ammu-Nation on completion of this mission.
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