Podcast 1

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"Meet The Website"

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In this podcast we discuss the launch of the new site, its new features, and even interview Psy himself about the new sites purpose and development.


iGTA Podcast 09/09/09
Written by Qdeathstar with special guest Psy

Qdeathstar: Welcome to the first iGrandTheftAuto.com podcast with your host Qdeathstar. Today is a momentous day in "Psy history"! After successfully launching two of the largest Grand Theft Auto Fansites on the net and traveling half way around the globe to meet with Rockstar Games staff in person, Psy"s not done yet. iGrandTheftAuto.com represents the newest and most comprehensive gta website yet, filled with tons of exciting community features, daily news updates, cheats, secrets, and guides, plus more images than you can shake a stick at.

Qdeathstar: We plan to release a podcast either once or twice a month depending on a number of factors and for each podcast we plan to interview a member of the site about a certain topic relating to the GTA universe. Today"s guest obviously will be Psy, creator of iGrandTheftAuto.com.

Qdeathstar: So Psy, first of all, why iGrandTheftAuto?

Psy: Well, basically, there's not a reason why we chose the domain iGrandTheftAuto.com, the only reason we've actually got is is because we needed a generic Grand Theft Auto domain, and most of the rest of them were taken, so we just got iGrandTheftAuto. Sounds cool and I suppose you can use the tag line "iGrandTheftAuto... Do You?", so I suppose it's alright!

Qdeathstar: Ah, ok I see, so how long have you been working on the new website?

Psy: I started working on the site in December last year, and, basically I was off university all of January, and I spent literally the whole of January working on the site, probably 18 hours a day, and it's taken up until now to actually get the website finished the way I want for the launch. So it's been about 10 months of quite constant work. I would probably say there's been over 2,000 hours of work put into it, and there's been a good 500,000 lines of code I would say. Altogether there's probably over 300 PHP files, 15 stylesheets and about 10 custom javascript files.

Qdeathstar: Wow, that sounds like a lot of work , but uh tell me, why start a site about all GTA games when you"ve previously covered only individual games?

Psy: Well, basically ever since before I started the first site, I've always wanted to make a Grand Theft Auto fansite covering all of the games but I've never really had the skill or the time to do it, but having spent 6 years since I created GTA-SanAndreas.com I think I've got enough talent now to be able to pull it off, so that's why I've been able to do it.

Qdeathstar: Yeah that makes uh, good sense, uh but uh, tell me, so what"s special about the new site and uh What are you most proud of as far as the site goes?

Psy: The whole thing pretty much. I mean, the website's fully integrated with the forums so members can properly mix both forum discussion with website activity now, which is something we've never had before apart from in the dark days of PHP Nuke.

Psy: I must admit though, I'm very happy with the Achievements system and I'm amazed I actually got it to work at all, but it brings a whole new dimension to the website and it'll hopefully encourage members to get writing and submitting content. Which, I mean, that's another great accomplishment. Basically that every single thing on the site can be contributed by the website's users. They've got the ability to add Videos, Images, Guides, News, Downloads, you name it. So, that's a great thing which'll hopefully help us become one of the biggest GTA sites on the net.

Psy: Also I've gotta mention the community features which, although they go slightly off the topic of GTA, they will help to create a much more active community between the members. That can only be something that's going to be positive in the long run.

Qdeathstar: Well, I think that covers pretty much everything I had to uh, ask. Well, there"s one more question. What are your long term plans for the website, or maybe any new websites you might be making?

Psy: Well ideally in the next year or so, I'd like the website to definitely be widely known as one of the biggest and best Grand Theft Auto fansites on the net. I mean, we intend to cover every single game in as much detail as possible, have guides for all the games, as many images as we can, videos as well. So hopefully we will be, starting to be known as the best Grand Theft Auto site on the net, or one of the biggest.

Psy: I do have plans for another site in the future as well, but I don't intend to talk about that yet. But that's something related to what we've got at the minute, but as I say, more details on that in the future.

Qdeathstar: Thanks, Psy, I"m sure you must be busy with creating all the content for the new site, speaking of which, if there is anyone out there listening that would like to help create content for the site send a PM to Psy or Duffman regarding what kind of content you would like to create and they can show you how to submit your guides and information to the site for publication.

Qdeathstar: Finally to bribe listeners into tuning in every week (as if we need to!) we will be holding contests which will require members to complete certain objectives in order to be added to a drawing to win prizes. This podcast"s task is to unlock five achievements and then join the chatroom and message Qdeathstar with your submission. Again this week"s podcast"s task is to unlock five achievements and then join the chatroom and message Qdeathstar with your submission. The deadline to enter is Wenesday September 16th 2009 12:00pm GMT. The winner will receive a personalized bumper sticker designed by Qdeathstar and Autographed by the Psy man himself. We"ll even through in an @iGrandTheftAuto.com email address subject to TERMS AND CONDITIONS.

Qdeathstar: While this first podcast was merely a meet and greet. future podcasts will deliver all the news, speculation, and rumors regarding everything grand theft auto. Be sure to tune in on the 23rd of this month for a look at Rockstar"s upcoming Xbox360 exclusive "The Ballad of Gay Tony", Till next time this is Qdeathstar. iGrandTheftAuto, do you?