Happy Birthday To iGrandTheftAuto

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It's been exactly a year since iGrandTheftAuto was launched and I'd like to thank everyone who has visited the site since then. Our aim was to make iGrandTheftAuto the biggest and most useful Grand Theft Auto website on the net and in a way we have been fairly successful. We've currently got close to 3,000 images on the website across all GTA games, there's over 300 guides and we've averaged almost a news post a day across the year. We've had just over 2 million page views, and you guys have unlocked close to 4,000 achievements between you.

Unfortunately because of the increase in the number of other gaming and GTA fan sites, we haven't been as successful as we would have liked and a number of the features that were coded into the site specifically to allow member submission of content have gone to waste.

The website was a good experiment for me in learning how to create a user-based content management system, particularly with the achievement system which has proved very popular, but with the internet as crowded as it is now, I have to admit that the website hasn't been as successful as I would have hoped. The idea behind it was that regular users could submit news, guides, images and other content and the admin team would approve it, however generally the few people who were submitting the content ended up being made staff and therefore had no need to submit it when they could create it directly.

I'd still like to thank everyone who's visiting the site and forums for keeping it going, however the next bunch of websites I create won't be based on the iGTA engine like iRedDead.com was, they'll be a bit more simple with less features and more emphasis on content, in some ways like my first website GTA-SanAndreas.com.

Don't stop coming to the website though, because over time things will start to get more active, but for now, the next big target is to create a new website engine for the next batch of sites that we plan to release hopefully by the end of the year so stay tuned for updates on that.

iGrandTheftAuto, do you?