New Max Payne 3 Screens + Action Desktops

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First check out some new screens and info about the Crachá Preto, a gang in Max Payne 3:


"The detailed file on this ruthless vigilante squad reveals that they're far from an amateur band of gunmen - their 400 strong army consists of hardened and highly-trained specialized police, firefighters and even rogue active military men.

Although they claim to be a 'community self-defense force', the report reveals a more sinister side with a history of extortion, blackmail and drug trafficking - amongst other nefarious deeds. Their leader, Álvaro Neves and right-hand man, Milo Rego are men to be feared - and will not hesitate to deploy swift and violent action against any perceived enemy or obstructionist threat."

Check out the file including a selection of brand new screenshots here.

Next take a look at some new desktops from the Action Series. This set features Max descending into the favelas of São Paulo in his search for Fabiana Branco, a close-up of Max reloading his laser sight equipped PT92 handgun and a hi-res edition of Max wielding the M4 Super 90:




Download them in various sizes from Rockstar Downloads here and join the fun at the Grand Theft Auto V forums!