Play Max Payne 3 at PAX East This Weekend

online TreeFittyactivity 4549 Days Agorockstaraffiliates 3825 Views
Are all the hands-on previews of Max Payne 3 getting you down? Wish it was you controlling the next epic creation from Rockstar Games? Well now you can!


Rockstar is proud to announce that they will be attending PAX East this weekend, Friday April 6th through Sunday April 8th in Boston, MA, with Max Payne 3 playable at Booth #912. So if you're in the Boston area or plan to travel to the show, come through for an exclusive opportunity to go hands-on with the game before its release this May.

Rockstar will also have giveaways of some brand new Max Payne 3 gear. For more information on PAX East, visit And be sure to check out Grand Theft Auto V at the GTA V forums!

Update: Check out some of the items you can pick up:


And yes, the red thing is a pill box. Awesome stuff!

You can also have a chance to score some of this gear from Rockstar's Facebook page!