L.A. Noire Previews: L.A. Times & PlayStation Mag

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In the latest talk about L.A. Noire, the Los Angeles Times Hero Complex blog visits the Depth Analysis studio in Los Angeles to check out the MotionScan process at the heart of the game. Comparing the process used by James Cameron for 'Avatar,' Hero Complex calls Aaron Staton's performance in LA Noire:
"arguably the most lifelike ever seen in a videogame."

Read the full story here.


Meanwhile, Playstation: The Official Magazine dedicated the cover of their February issue to L.A. Noire and in a revealing ten page feature, talk to the team behind the game about the challenges of acting in MotionScan, the science and art of building a realistic digital Los Angeles, and the overall experience of having witnessed the gameplay in depth.
"What's perhaps most interesting is how much a part of the experience the acting actually becomes. The moment-to-moment gameplay of L.A. Noire is a combination of walking around inspecting areas and casing joints, examining items, and driving - all punctuated by violence in the form of fistfights, shootouts and car chases... It is, quite simply, compelling cinema woven into a game narrative."

The issue is hitting newsstands this Tuesday, January 18th.

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