More Classic GTA Radio: Ammu-Nation, eXsorbeo+More

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The Advertising Council of Liberty City, Vice City, and Sand Andreas presents more of your favorite radio commercials as heard on the airwaves of the Grand Theft Auto world. This group of ads includes a pair of memorable spots from esteemed 2nd Amendment guardians Ammu-Nation as well as from the handheld gaming system that taught you how to play with yourself, eXsorbeo. Listen to them all, along with dozens more at the Council's website


Vice City, 1984
  • Pushup: The Movie. The story of one man’s struggle with gravity.
Vice City, 1986
  • Ammu-Nation (as heard below). Protecting your rights!
  • The Exploder Survival Knife. The official commemorative knife from "Exploder."
  • Farewell Ranch (Spot #2). Where the cowboys are all over 75!
  • Just the Five of Us. The incredible sitcom that has captured America’s heart.
San Andreas, 1992
  • eXsorbeo. “Look, mom, I’m playing with myself!”
  • Proposition 421: Outlaw Smoking. Vote YES.
  • Redwood Cigarettes. When stress is about to get you. Get a Redwood.
Liberty City, 1998
  • Ammu-Nation (as heard below). Are you ready for Y2K?
Liberty City, 2001
  • The New Maibatsu Monstrosity (Spot #2). Mine is bigger.