Rockstar Answers: 2010 content, CW info & more

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Many fans have asked Rockstar questions about their games and other events since the company has stayed pretty quiet lately. Rockstar has decided to answer some of these questions in a recent post here.

One that may be of interest is this one:

Quote: Rockstar
"I was highly anticipating the release of The Ballad Of Gay Tony, but just found out that it is only on the XBox360. I am certain that I am not the first person to ask this, but how come it wasn't released on the PS3?” – received via Mouthoff

We know that it continues to be an often-asked question – and believe us, we understand the frustration of PS3 owners like yourself who haven’t been able to play any of our most recent releases. All we can say is that we at Rockstar promise to be very good to you with our releases in 2010. Please stay with us and stay tuned!

So for you PS3 users, you may not get Episodes from Liberty City but it seems Rockstar will compensate with other things. What exactly those will be is not known.

Some info on Chinatown Wars included the first batch of cheats being revealed tomorrow and that Rockstar is getting ready to make the iPhone/iPod touch version of the game available in more countries.