GTA Online Heists Trailer and Info

online TreeFittyactivity 3510 Days Agoaffiliates 4788 Views
Heists have finally been revealed with a kick ass new trailer, and an interview with IGN on the delays and what players should expect from these 4 player co-op missions. Rockstar is shooting for an early 2015 release. Here's the story:

GTA Online Heists are coming early in 2015 - check out the new trailer for the four-player co-op mode for Grand Theft Auto Online (above) that allows players to plan, prepare and execute multi-tiered Heists across Los Santos and Blaine County. These will require tight communication and coordination, with players taking on specified roles at each point to accomplish multiple objectives on the way to each Heist's epic finale. Featuring new gameplay, new vehicles, new weapons, new clothing and much more.

Head over to IGN for an in-depth interview that details exactly how Heists will work... and why they've taken a little more time than originally expected. The article is loaded with info from an interview with Lead Mission Designer Imran Sarwar, as well a ton of new screens!

Can't wait! Head over to the GTA V Forums if you wanna further the discussion.