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GTA IV: San Andreas Beta #2 Released

Published by TreeFitty

For those who haven't been keeping up with the GTA IV: San Andreas mod since the first beta release a few months ago, the second beta "World Motion" is now available to download from the modders' official website for GTA IV and Episodes from Liberty City.

"Founded in 2011, Grand Theft Auto IV San Andreas aims to port the entire world of Rockstar North's 2004 epic Grand Theft Auto San Andreas to the Rockstar Advanced Game Engine (RAGE).

With GTA IV being the only Grand Theft Auto game to use the RAGE engine as of yet, we are currently targeting GTA IV."

The new beta features Radio, HUD, improved map, new lights, and more. You can download it from the website here.

Video from August 2nd, but still a nice sight with some help from the iCEnhancer mod!

Still looking awesome! When complete, this mod will be a must-have for those who loved the gameplay of San Andreas and the graphics of GTA IV! Also good for those who have been wanting a full remake of San Andreas for Grand Theft Auto V!

You can keep up with the mod's latest info from their website or twitter account.
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