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GTA Plus

Published by Psy
Last Updated

GTA Plus

What is GTA+ and what sort of benefits can we expect to see for subscribers in Grand Theft Auto VI?

What is GTA+?

First introduced on March 25, 2022, GTA+ (referred to as GTA Plus) is a monthly subscription service offered by Rockstar Games for GTA Online which launched on March 29, 2022.

Players who purchase the subscription are provided with "GTA$" in-game cash on a monthly basis and regularly receive free or discounted vehicles, weapons and clothing to use in GTA Online. Players also receive boosts or bonuses to their RP (the XP-based levelling system for GTA Online) while the subscription is active.

In recent months, Rockstar Games also began including free downloads of a number of their other titles as an added bonus, giving players access to games like Red Dead Redemption and the GTA Trilogy.

GTA+ Introduction
Rockstar Games

GTA+ is a new membership program exclusively for GTA Online on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S — launching on March 29 and providing easy access to a range of valuable benefits for both new and long-standing players on the latest generation consoles.

Being a GTA+ Member gets you a recurring monthly GTA$500,000 direct deposit to your Maze Bank account, plus the opportunity to claim properties in and around Los Santos that unlock gameplay updates you may have missed out on, special vehicle upgrades, Member-only discounts, GTA$ and RP bonuses, and more each month.

GTA Plus VIP Artwork

How much does it cost?

The subscription service was initially launched on March 29, 2022 at a cost of $5.99 USD per month, however as of April 11th, 2024 the price increased to $7.99 USD per month for new members. Existing members will see their price rise to $7.99 USD per month on June 11th, 2024.

Is GTA+ worth the cost?

That depends entirely on how much you play GTA Online and how much you need the bonus in-game cash. The playable library of Rockstar's other games adds a lot of value to the service assuming you don't have all of their games already. The subscription will cost about the same as a full game over a year, so you'll have to decide if you'll get more enjoyment out of GTA Online with your benefits than you will by putting your money elsewhere.

GTA Plus Bonus Cash Events

Where can I sign up?

To sign up for the service, you'll need to purchase the subscription through your console. It's available through PlayStation and Xbox's online stores. For more information see Rockstar Games' GTA+ Website.

Will GTA VI include GTA+?

There are a number of reasons we expect GTA+ to make the move over to Grand Theft Auto VI.

Firstly, the price was increased less than a year from the expected release date of GTA VI. If Rockstar Games were cancelling the service or leaving it behind for GTA V's Online, gamers wouldn't continue to pay a higher cost.

Secondly, the service is making money. It's not known how many active subscribers it currently has, but Rockstar regularly advertise monthly benefits on their newswire and every subscriber is almost generating free money for the company with very little cost involved.

The service was launched after GTA V's development had finished. With GTA VI, it's entirely possible that Rockstar Games could build functionality into their system to handle the subscription service from the start, meaning there could be plenty more bonuses to subscribers. Unfortunately that may also mean that they could go down the line of paywalling some features or content exclusively to GTA+ subscribers which won't go down well with many gamers.

Ultimately we can expect similar benefits in GTA VI to those seen in GTA V's Online, with bonus cash, weapons, vehicles and clothing. If there are any Single Player DLC's it's possible they will be included or at least discounted for members with the GTA+ subscription.

GTA Plus Cash Everywhere

Possible Benefits of GTA+ in GTA VI's Single Player

  • Early or exclusive access to special outfits, weapons, vehicles or safehouses in the story.
  • Discounts on ammo, clothing or other in-game shopping.
  • A monthly in-game cash reward, or boosted selling prices at fences and stores.
  • Increased carrying capacity for additional weapons, ammo or power-ups.
  • Bonus XP rewards for completing objectives (if applicable).
  • Exclusive missions or side quests, only for GTA+ members.
  • Special leaderboards to compare stats and achievements with other GTA+ members.
None of the above content would be game breaking to non-subscription players. 100% completion would still be achievable and everything else would be more of a time saver than 'paying to win'. We imagine most exclusive gameplay benefits would be very similar to pre-order bonuses in Rockstars' previous games.

What do you think? Would you like to see something unique for GTA+ members in GTA VI?
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