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GTA V Listed By Swedish Retailer for 2011

Published by TreeFitty, a major Swedish online games retailer, has listed Grand Theft Auto V for a coming release in 2011. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and even PC are all posted with 18 ratings.

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So what does this mean? That depends on you...
  • It is possible they have been hinted off. They may have heard a suggested release time or perhaps that information may be coming our way soon.
  • But it is very likely they are just guessing and getting their name out their for customers eagerly awaiting to get their hands on the next great Grand Theft Auto title.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments below or chat about anything having to do with the next GTA in our Grand Theft Auto V forums! Thanks to our friends at Rockstar Base for the heads up!
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