Rockstar Steps Down E3 Plans

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As some of you may know, Rockstar Games had planned to show off some of its new titles at this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3). Now is reporting that Rockstar has decided to step down its appearance and will debut titles at its own press conferences at Rockstar's headquarters in New York City.

"'In the end, we feel we simply don't have enough time to show as much as we would like in the time available,' a spokesperson said. Rockstar was planning to show Max Payne 3 and LA Noire at the show.

It's also been claimed, via Nuts writer Rory Buckeridge, that the GTA house has pulled an 'E3 game launch'.

However, our thinking hat tells us that game announcements would probably be reserved for a platform holder press conference, and thus wouldn't be affected."

A supposedly leaked roster for E3 posted in our forums showed many titles including one for "Vice City 2". Even if the list is real, it would have to be determined whether it was a new game or some kind of demonstration for the E3 event. Join the discussions for the next GTA in our forums here and submit images plus other content in the GTA5 section!