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Grand Theft Auto IVGTA IV - 100% Completion Guide

100% Completion Breakdown

Published by Psy
Last Updated

100% Completion Breakdown

Story Missions [60%]
Each story mission is worth 0.6976744186046511627906976744186%.
There are 86 story missions to complete which give percentage.
The mission "One Last Thing" does not offer any percentage reward.

Side Jobs [10%]
  • Assassination Missions
  • Once you have completed all 9 of the assassin missions, you will receive 2%.
  • You will unlock the assassination missions from a payphone in Alderney not long after unlocking the island.
  • Little Jacob's Jobs
  • Once you have completed all 10 of his drug delivery missions, you will receive 2%.
  • Call Little Jacob and use the job option to begin these missions.
  • Brucie's Car Thefts
  • Once you have delivered all 10 of the cars, you will receive 2%.
  • View your emails from Brucie. Those with attachments enable you to start the mission.
  • Street Races
  • Once you have won all 9 of the races, you will receive 2%.
  • Call Brucie and use the Race option to arrange a street race.
  • Stevie's Text Message Cars
  • Once you have delivered all 30 cars, you will receive 2%.
  • You will receive a text message from Stevie not long after doing races for Brucie.
  • Each text message has a picture of a car attached. You must steal this exact car.
Police Missions [5%]
  • Most Wanted
  • Once you have killed all 10 Most Wanted criminals on each island, 30 in total, you will receive 2.5%.
  • Get in a police car and use the computer to start these missions.
  • Vigilante
  • Once you have killed 20 criminals, you will receive 2.5%.
  • The kills do not need to be consecutive. You can take as many tries as you like until you have killed 20 or more.
Friend Abilities [5%]
  • Little Jacob's Gun Delivery Ability
  • Once you reach 75% 'like' with Little Jacob, you will receive 1.6666666666666666666666666666667%.
  • Brucie's Helicopter Ability
  • Once you reach 75% 'like' with Brucie, you will receive 1.6666666666666666666666666666667%.
  • Packie's Car Bomb Ability
  • Once you reach 75% 'like' with Packie, you will receive 1.6666666666666666666666666666667%.
Friend Activities [5%]
  • Little Jacob Activities
  • Once you have completed all 6 activities (Darts, Drinking, Eating, Pool, Show, Strip Club), you will receive 1.6666666666666666666666666666667%.
  • Brucie Activities
  • Once you have completed all 7 activities (Boating, Bowling, Drinking, Eating, Heli Ride, Show, Strip Club), you will receive 1.6666666666666666666666666666667%.
  • Packie Activities
  • Once you have completed all 6 activities (Bowling, Darts, Drinking, Pool, Show, Strip Club), you will receive 1.6666666666666666666666666666667%.
Random Pedestrian Missions [5%]
Once you have completed all missions for a random pedestrian, you will receive 0.5%.
There are 10 random pedestrians to complete, giving a total of 5% available.
Some pedestrians have more than one mission. You will only be awarded the percentage after you have finished all of their missions.
The pedestrians you must meet and complete are:
  • Brian (3 Meets)
  • Badman
  • Mel
  • Ileyna Faustin
  • Hossan
  • Sara (2 Meets)
  • Pathos (2 Meets)
  • Marnie (2 Meets)
  • Eddie Low (2 Meets)
  • Gracie
Activities [5%]
Each Activity is worth 1.25%.
There are 4 activities to complete in total.
You must complete the following:
  • Beat a friend at a game of Pool
  • Beat a friend at a game of Darts
  • Beat a friend at a FULL game of Bowling
  • Beat the high score (get at least 11,000 points) on the QUB3D arcade game
Side Objectives [5%]
  • Unique Jumps
  • Once you have successfully completed all 50 jumps, you will receive 2.5%.
  • Flying Rats
  • Once you have killed all 200 flying rats, you will receive 2.5%.
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