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Angus' Bike Thefts

Published by Psy

Angus' Bike Thefts

Whip out your phone, select Angus and select job and you'll be able to complete 10 short bike stealing missions for him.

The reward ranges from $600 - $1400 depending on the amount of damage to the bike.

Ex-Display (Hakuchou)
Steal a bike from a showroom in Westdyke and deliver it to the Lost club house. You may need to lose any wanted level before you can deliver it.

Short Stay Parking (Hakuchou)
Steal a bike from the multi-storey car park in Purgatory and deliver it to the Lost club house. You may need to lose any wanted level before you can deliver it.

Delivery Boy's Hardship (Hakuchou)
Steal a bike from a delivery boy in Chinatown and take it back to the Lost club house.

Stripclub Hog (Hellfury)
Steal a bike from outside the Triangle Club in Bohan and take it back to the Lost club house. You might need to dispose of an AOD biker before you can take it.

Beachcomber (Hellfury)
Steal a bike from some assholes on the beach at Firefly Island and deliver it back to the Lost club house. As you get close, the guy will try to drive off, so you'll have to shoot him off it.

Get Off Your High Horse (BATI 800)
Steal a bike from a small gang on the East Borough Bridge and deliver it back to the Lost club house. You'll probably have to shoot the main guy off his bike to get it, then you may need to lose any cops before you can deliver it.

Tattoo Parlor Lament (Hakuchou)
Steal a bike from outside the tattoo parlour in Alderney City and deliver it back to the Lost club house. Pull a gun on the guy cleaning it and he'll run away.

A Ride In The Park (Hellfury)
Steal a bike from a couple of lovebirds in Middle Park and deliver it to the Lost club house. You'll probably have to shoot them both off the bike before you can get it, then lose any cops before you can deliver it.

Zorst Fumes (Hellfury)
Steal a bike from a group of Angels of Death who are driving on the freeway. You'll have to kill, or at least shoot them all off their bikes before you can grab it, then lose any wanted level.

Take Out Liquor (Hellfury)
Steal a bike from outside a liquor store on Dillon Street and deliver it to the Lost club house. You'll have to kill all four of the gang members waiting for you, then lose any cops before you can deliver it.

Once they're all delivered, a BATI 800 will always be available from your safehouse.
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