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Rockstar Event Details: GTA IV For All Feb. 23rd

Published by TreeFitty

Time to take back Liberty City tomorrow, February 23rd, from 11 AM to 2 PM Eastern Time US on all platforms. Once again there will be streams, chat, and some cool prizes including Vice City Anniversary items and GTA V shirts! More details below...

It all happens at the Social Club Multiplayer Events page where you'll find the chatroom and two live streams of Rockstar devs in action. Enter the giveaway to win one of 10 deluxe Grand Theft Auto Prize Packs each including a pair of GTA V t-shirts, GTA IV license plate, and select gear from the Vice City 10th Anniversary Collection. They'll also host a bonus live chat and stream at

The event kicks off with GTA IV in the first hour, Lost and Damned in the second, and finally Ballad of Gay Tony in the last hour. More details on how to join in below.

  • PlayRockstar (PlayStation 3)
  • GwRockstar3 (Xbox 360)
  • PlayRockstar11 (PlayStation 3)
  • GwRockstar1 (PC)

Rockstar will accept as many invites as they can during the event but recommend playing with Social Club members to make sure you get in on the action. Getting in a game with a dev is not a guarantee, but it is something they absolutely attempt to do for as many people as they can when hosting an event.

Pay attention to the live chat on the Social Club Multiplayer Event page to find out which game modes they're playing. And again, Rockstar recommend waiting to add the dev accounts until the moment the event begins. This is because they delete all old/offline friends and friend requests to make way for all of you that want to play with them during the current event.

Enjoy and come join us at the Grand Theft Auto V forums!
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