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No Way On The Subway

Published by Psy

No Way On The Subway


Ray needs you to calm some bikers down. Generally this means kill them.

Going Underground

Grab a vehicle and get to the GPS destination where the bikers are hanging out. After the cutscene, you'll need to jump on the bike and chase the bikers. They'll eventually head into the subway. It's very difficult to kill either of these bikers just yet, so you might want to save your ammo.

Towards the entrance to the subway, you'll probably be able to kill the first biker, so once you do, save your ammo again and follow the second biker through the subway system. Be careful and watch out for his sudden left turn which might lose you.

Putting Him In The Ground

After you cross the bridge and head up the hill, you'll be able to kill this biker too, so drive-by him until he's dead.

Mission Passed!
Reward: $9500


Mission Tips

  • You'll want to make sure you have plenty of drive-by ammo before starting this mission, as you'll need it.
  • The bike can handbrake turn pretty well, so don't be afraid to use the handbrake if you need to make a quick change of direction.
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