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GTA4 Tricks

Published by TreeFitty
Last Updated

GTA4 Tricks

Below are guides to many of the tricks in GTA:IV. For glitches, see the GTA IV Glitch Guide. If there is one you want to see, post it in the forum topic here.

Airport Radar Invisible Roof

Get a helicopter and go to the top of the radar tower.

How to do it:
Land on top of it in the center. You can now get out and walk around.

Can provide a shield from enemies below.

  • The object is round so land in the center for the flattest spot.
  • To find the edge, shoot around until you see the bullet holes stop or roll out a grenade (away from helicopter). It is quite big.

Bowling Alley - Pinsetter Area

Go to the bowling alley with a motorcycle and drive in. Pick a lane and drive down the gutter up to the pins.

How to do it:
Try to get yourself and the bike under to the pins by accelerating and steering. Once you get under you can get off and walk around the back pinsetter area. To get out, go to one end and jump out.

For fun and can provide cover from enemies.

  • Takes a few tries.
  • Sport bikes seem to work the best.

Rotterdam Tower (Empire State Building) Missing Wall
aka How to get under the map

Take a Helicopter up to the building and go to the North side. You want to go towards the top. Position the helicopter in front of the area pictured below.
Click here for mapped points.

How to do it:
Once in position, simply move forward into the building. The opening isn't huge so stay close to the top of the section. The helicopter will pass right through as if there is no wall there. Since there are actual walls all around the camera will move close to the copter and make it difficult to see. You must get all the way inside and turn the helicopter right (Westward). Once completely inside, stay centered and move down the center of the building. If the rotors or tail get out of the building they will get damaged and can break off.

There is a subway line under the building so BE CAREFUL when you get to the bottom. You can actually crash on top of an invisible ledge. Once you clear all that you are under the map. You need to stay well under everything BUT if you go too low the game will reset you above ground (just like going into the "blue hell" of the old games.

There are many non-enterable buildings around the map with floors. The most used are the hangers at the airport in Dukes. The church in Algonquin near the GTA version of Rockefeller Center also has a floor. Once under one, rise up until you are completely above the floor and then land as normal. You are free to get out and walk around and can now shoot out at everyone else, but they cannot shoot at you. If you walk out of the walls, you can't get back in.
You can also use this as a sneak-attack where you come up from under an enemy and send them flying. The Annihilator is a tough helicopter and can fling cars with ease.

  • Getting into the Rotterdam Tower and under the map will take practice.
  • Watch out for hidden obstacles.
  • Don't fly too low or too high.
  • If you have the Annihilator, in Multiplayer it will give you an RPG and ammo. Once out of ammo, you can return to the helicopter to get more.
  • The scenery and other objects may not load correctly when inside a building. Move around until what you need to see is visible.
  • Have fun exploring under the map and finding new building to try these tricks on.

Table Boarding

Go into the large warehouse on the Northeast corner of Colony Island, under the bridge. Find the most Northern set of doors on the West side (only ones that open). Upon entering the double doors, straight ahead on the right should be an end table tipped over (if not, exit and re-enter).

How to do it:
Simply walk over the table and your character should stay in the middle of it and "skate" around on it upside-down.

Just for fun.

  • May take a few tries to get it.
  • Only works in single player.
  • Hitting potholes and other things in the street may knock you off. Hills as well. Just get back on.
  • Quite fun!

Truck Spinning

How to do it:
Get a large box-like vehicle (Bus, mule, etc) and tip it on its side. Now hit the left analog stick up or down to make it spin around.

Just for fun and you can hit people.

  • The airport has many ramps to use with Mules near bye.
  • Other people can hang on.

Unlimited RPG

How to do it:
Find an Annihilator helicopter. Get in, get out, and you'll have RPG ammo. Shoot them all off at people, get back in, back out, and the ammo will be restocked. There is typically a small waiting period required.

A useful thing during prolonged fire fights and especially fun when you are using the Rotterdam Tower trick (see above) to stay inside buildings.

  • Works in Multiplayer
  • Keep your helicopter intact!

Wing Walker

Get a motorcycle and go to the runways of the airport. Go out to the median and prepare to jump the yellow "CAUTION YOUR BLASTS" sign.

How to do it:
Wait for a plane to taxi by and time it so you can hit the jump and land on the wing. Once on, you can walk around the wing.

Just for fun.

  • Need to keep walking forward to stay on.
  • Aim for the very front the wing so you have time to dismount or get up if you crash land.
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