Flying Rats (Pigeons)
Published by Psy
Last Updated
Flying Rats (Pigeons)

Click the image above for a large map of the pigeons.
Click on any of the pigeon location blips for a screenshot.
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Exterminating all 200 Pigeons will yield an Annihilator spawn on top of the MeTV building in Star Junction. It is accessible from the ground via a window washer lift in the rear alley to the roof and then ladders to the helipad.Broker/Dukes Pigeons
Pigeon #1Firefly Island: Under the wooden pier, near the water.
Pigeon #2
Firefly Island: Find the "Craig's Candy" building, climb onto the awning then onto the roof. Jump onto the roof of the Liberty Eye and you'll see the pigeon by the support beams.
Pigeon #3
Firefly Island: This pigeon is right at the top of the highest part of the rollercoaster, resting on the railing. It's on the North side or the rollercoaster area, the side nearest the road. The easiest way to get it is to head into the train station, go onto the tracks and walk along slightly. You'll have an easy shot at it from there.
Pigeon #4
Beachgate: Go around the back of the house which is just south of the first curved road in this street, and you'll find the pigeon sat on the wall of the porch.
Pigeon #5
Firefly Projects: The pigeon is sitting on a railing right next to the path going around the projects. You can't miss it.
Pigeon #6
Firefly Projects: The pigeon is sitting on the middle divider of the motorway just past the entrance/exit ramp.
Pigeon #7
Firefly Projects: The pigeon is sitting on the top of a broken wall under the freeway.
Pigeon #8
Hove Beach: The pigeon is sitting above a doorway just across from the mini-garden in between the buildings.
Pigeon #9
Hove Beach: The pigeon is perched right at the end of the Fantastic Firefly ISland banner.
Pigeon #10
Hove Beach: On top of a wooden post sticking out of the water next to the small pier.
Pigeon #11
East Hook: The pigeon is on top of the stone sign for the Broker Navy Yard. It's right in the middle, to the side nearest the water. You'll either need to go quite far back to see it, and use a sniper rifle to take it out, or land a heli on Roman's taxi cab rooftop. Either that, or throw a grenade up there.
Pigeon #12
East Hook: The pigeon is resting on top of an air vent high up on the back of one of the buildings at the docks.
Pigeon #13
Hove Beach: This one's right on top of the awning at the entrance to the Cabaret Club. Head into the alley way around the back and make your way to the roof where you'll be able to jump down.
Pigeon #14
Outlook: Head to the round wooden band platform in the middle of the park and you'll see the pigeon perched on the handrail.
Pigeon #15
South Slopes: Head into the alley way and you'll see a garage with a green door. Use the boxes next to that to climb onto the roof, and you'll see the pigeon behind a metal fence.
Pigeon #16
South Slopes: This one's on the stone wall right next to the steps beind the Jerk N' Gizzada.
Pigeon #17
Downtown: On top of a bus information shelter just north of the park.
Pigeon #18
Beechwood City: On the floor next to the freeway, not far from Burger Shot. Look out for the building site stuff such as cones and fences.
Pigeon #19
Beechwood City: This one's half way up a fire escape. It's going up a building on the opposite side of the street to the train tracks.
Pigeon #20
Schottler: Perched on the steps of one of the houses. You can't miss it with it's bright orange glow.
Pigeon #21
Schottler: On a girder inside the underpass which runs under the middle of the freeway. It's right next to the hospital in Schottler, so from there, just head for the freeway and you'll find the underpass in the middle, near the bottom.
Pigeon #22
BOABO: You'll find a short underpass that leads through a building into a courtyard. This is easily noticeable on the pause map if you zoom in to the North West of BOABO. The pigeon is on the corner of the fire excape first floor.
Pigeon #23
BOABO: This pigeon is perched on the stone wall to the side of the road next to the large 'Storage' building.
Pigeon #24
Cerveza Heights: You'll find this one on top of the northern most backetball net, on top of the backboard.
Pigeon #25
Cerveza Heights: Head up to the train station first floor, using the most northern stairway. You'll find this pigeon on the roof just behind the row of three ticket machines.
Pigeon #26
Meadow Hills: Head up the ramp to Lynch Street station and go along the platform until you see the "Lynch Station" sign in between two benches. Climb on the western most bench length ways so Niko pulls himself onto the top of it, then immediately jump up again and Niko will grab onto the train station roof. From here, make your way across the rooftop which goes across the road and climb up onto the roof of the building opposite the train station where you'll find the pigeon.
Pigeon #27
Willis: This pigeon's on a girder under the train tracks just slightly to the North West of the car wash.
Pigeon #28
Francis International Airport: The pigeon is on top of a post in front of the airport, next to the large multi-storey car park.
Pigeon #29
Francis International Airport: This one's a bit tricky to get to, but luckily you don't need to. It's hidden inside the southern-most ring type area just below the roof of the airport. There's a ring on either side of the main entrance which is right in the middle of the airport itself. Use a grenade or RPG to take out this pigeon.
Pigeon #30
Francis International Airport: You'll need a helicopter for this one. The pigeon is perched on the railing at the top of the control tower. Land your helicopter on the top ledge and take it out.
Pigeon #31
Francis International Airport: Once again you'll need a helicopter. Land it on the roof in between the two Fly US buildings and you'll find the pigeon in between the metal containers.
Pigeon #32
Francis International Airport: You'll find this pigeon resting on the wall of a stone structure in Meadows Park.
Pigeon #33
Willis: This pigeon is on an awning above a doorway at the western end of the building.
Pigeon #34
Steinway: Head inside the park and go to the round area on your map. Where the smaller round circle meets the larger circle there is a doorway you can enter. Go inside the circle and you'll find the pigeon in one of the Western doorways.
Pigeon #35
Meadows Park: The pigeon is at the foot of a statue just in front of the giant globe.
Pigeon #36
Meadows Park: At the end of the street where Packie's Ma lives, there is a building you can enter. It has two red flowers growing out of plant pots on either side of the stairs. Make your way inside, head up the stairs to the roof and climb onto the higher rooftop. The pigeon is on the chimney.
Pigeon #37
East Island City: You'll need a helicopter to get this one, unless you have an RPG. The pigeon is in the small room in the corner of the roof of the building opposite the large LC24 building. Either shoot an RPG into the small room to kill the bird, or land a helicopter on the roof and shoot it.
Pigeon #38
Steinway: In the alleyway just up from the Irish Bar in Steinway, you'll find this pigeon perched on a fence.
Pigeon #39
East Island City: This one's half way along the underpass which takes you from Steinway to Dukes Park.
Pigeon #40
Steinway: On the diving board handrail next to the outdoor pools.
Pigeon #41
Steinway: In a tree on the corner of the street next to the basketball courts.
Pigeon #42
East Island City: On a beam under the roof at the top of the under-construction train station.
Pigeon #43
Steinway: Under a wooden ramp at the corner of the street.
Pigeon #44
Steinway: This one's perched on a rock to the side of the road, behind a tree.
Pigeon #45
Steinway: On top of one of the trangular buildings in the middle of the cemetary by the water.
Pigeon #46
Steinway: On top of the childrens climing frame, behind the wall and next to the road.
Pigeon #47
Steinway: On a wall next to the entrance to the car park.
Pigeon #48
Steinway: On the ground next to a tree, right next to number 47, and just inside the entrance to the car park.
Pigeon #49
Dukes Bay Bridge: On the 7th concrete block under the bridge, going from Broker towards Bohan. You'll need a boat to be able to take this one out. If you have a sniper rifle, you can get it without a boat. Climb onto the 2nd concrete block (the one slightly in the water), then aim right down along the bridge and zoom in, and you'll just be able to see it.
Bohan Pigeons
Pigeon #50Little Bay: On some rocks in the water, just down from the motorway.
Pigeon #51
Industrial: On top of a light next to a large building on the diamond shaped road.
Pigeon #52
Industrial: Perched on the side of the bridge of one of the destroyed boats at the dock, just across the water from the big yellow crane.
Pigeon #53
Industrial: On the roof of a building next to the under construction bridge. Drive alongside the bridge and climb up the ladder leading up to the billboard. From there, climb down at the other side, climb up onto the roof and jump across onto the roof below. Climb up the steps then up the short ladder and you'll find the pigeon on the end of that rooftop.
Pigeon #54
Chase Point: This one's resting on the railing just outside a door way at the end of a very thin alleyway.
Pigeon #55
South Bohan: Right under the bridge, on a wall, next to a dirt pile.
Pigeon #56
South Bohan: Inside the concrete pipe just inside the entrance of the construction site.
Pigeon #57
South Bohan: This one's on the furthest rock in the water. You'll need to snipe it from the wooden walkway just down the cliffs from the rocks.
Pigeon #58
South Bohan: On a concrete wall just opposite a building with "Jose" graffiti.
Pigeon #59
South Bohan: Right above number 58, on top of a metal beam.
Pigeon #60
Fortside: Head inside the wooden area under the station. The pigeon is resting to the side of the hole.
Pigeon #61
Fortside: Down a dark alleyway, on top of the wire fence.
Pigeon #62
Boulevard: On top of a concrete block on the large flat stone area near the wooden piers.
Pigeon #63
Boulevard: Under the platform right next to the broken pier.
Pigeon #64
Boulevard: On a mini-cliff just off the curved road, inside the park.
Pigeon #65
Boulevard: Down a pedestrian street, right next to a purple awning with "1665" on it.
Pigeon #66
South Bohan: On the corner of the cleaners rooftop. You may have spotted this pigeon on the mission where you sniped enemies when protecting Packie in this alley way. The building it located just up the street from your Bohan safehouse.
Pigeon #67
South Bohan: On the corner of the cleaners rooftop, right next to number 66.
Pigeon #68
Boulevard: On top of one of the concrete posts down the street with the broken pavements.
Pigeon #69
Northern Gardens: On top of the big concete building with the small triangular concrete wall next to it as you head down the motorway. Climb onto the wall, or on top of a car to get it.
Pigeon #70
Northern Gardens: Perched on the brick sign saying "Welcome To Northern Gardens". You'll find it at the big round cul-de-sac on the map.
Pigeon #71
Northern Gardens: Inside an alleyway, resting on a pipe.
Charge Island Pigeons
Pigeon #72Charge Island: Perched on a boat just back from the Northern-most wooden pier.
Pigeon #73
Charge Island: Under the freeway in a car park. Look out for two big billboards with cars on them.
Pigeon #74
East Borough Bridge: This pigeon is perched on the side of the bridge next to the main support beam. It's on the side nearest to the Sugar Factory and large Sprunk sign. You'll be on the right side of the bridge if you're heading into Broker from Charge Island.
Pigeon #75
East Borough Bridge: This one's on the top of the most Western support beam, on the bridge nearest to Algonquin.
Colony Island Pigeons
Pigeon #76Algonquin Bridge: About half way along the bridge between Broker and Colony Island, next to one of the big support beams. It's on the side nearest the Clock Tower. The easiest way to get there is to take the bridge from Algonquin to Broker and you'll see it on the right as you drive across the bridge.
Pigeon #77
Colony Island: This pigeon is resting half way up a bunch of large concrete blocks near the water on the West side of the island.
Pigeon #78
Colony Island: Climb the stairs to the top of the cable car station and you'll find the pigeon resting on a rail up there.
Pigeon #79
Algonquin Bridge: Look for a building right next to the large chimney which is next to the bridge. There's a fire escape for this building just around the block. Climb it all of the way to the top, across the rooftop, and then up the next rooftop as high as you can go. You'll find the pigeon at the end of the roof near the big chimney.
Pigeon #80
Colony Island: Pretty much right in the middle of Colony Island you'll find a park for children. This pigeon's resting on the merry go round.
Pigeon #81
This one's to the East side of the old abandones hospital building resting on a third floor window near the destroyed car.
Algonquin Pigeons
Pigeon #82Liberty: You're gonna need to get wet for this one. It's perched on top of a small-ish red container ship. Look for two ships parked one after the other. One is grey and flat, the other is red and has a container full of sand inside it. The pigeon is on top of a metal cabin to the South end of it.
Pigeon #83
Northwood: This one's on the ship in Northwood. It's actually inside the metal container next to the stack of green pipes.
Pigeon #84
Northwood: Perched on the corner of a wall next to a fenced off seating area.
Pigeon #85
North Holland: This one's right next to the water, right next to the big hole in the ground.
Pigeon #86
North Holland: This one is right at the top of the hospital's roof. There are some stairs inside near where the Ambulance parks, so spend 2 minutes running up the dozens of floors and then climb the ladder at the top to find the pigeon on the vent type thing.
Pigeon #87
North Holland: This is half way up the hospital on the sixth floor balcony. Head all of the way around the rooftop to find it on a railing.
Pigeon #88
North Holland: Resting on a wall next to the train tracks, just in front of the hospital.
Pigeon #89
Northwood: Perched on a concrete post in the alleyway behind the Pay N' Spray.
Pigeon #90
Northwood: This one's high up on the corner of a building opposite the basketball courts.
Pigeon #91
Northwood: Perched on a railing down a pedestrian alleyway full of benches.
Pigeon #92
Northwood: This one's quite high up on a fire escape above the blue awning on the North side of this building.
Pigeon #93
East Holland: Resting on top of a white concrete block on the walkway next to the water.
Pigeon #94
East Holland: Perched on the corner of some stairs in an alleyway up from middle park.
Pigeon #95
Middle Park: On top of the roof of the building house to the North end of the lake. Jump off the grass and climb up the roof to get it.
Pigeon #96
Middle Park: Resting on top of the wall at the East Entrance to the road which runs across the park.
Pigeon #97
Lancaster: Perched on the railing of the subway entrance just up the street from the hideout.
Pigeon #98
Perched high on right hand side of the museum type building facing the park.
Pigeon #99
Middle Park East: Look out for a blue awning just after (or before, depending which way you're going) the building with the British flags outside it. It's standing on the top of the awning.
Pigeon #100
Middle Park: Sitting on a wall near the hot dog stand in the fountain area.
Pigeon #101
Star Junction: In a tree just down an alleyway outside the Seagull Theater.
Pigeon #102
Hatton Gardens: Right at the top of the church steeple, on the cross. You'll need to go quite far back to snipe this one.
Pigeon #103
Lancet: Just inside the police building yard, resting on the side of a statue. You are best off shooting this from outside the compound or you'll get an instant 4 star wanted level once you head inside.
Pigeon #104
Lancet: This one's well hidden. Follow the road which goes round and under the bridge, and when you're completely under the bridge, you'll see a tiny gap between the wall of the bridge, and the concrete barrier down the side of the road. The pigeon is along this tight, dark alleyway.
Pigeon #105
Lancet: Sitting on a railing at the top of the cable car station just next to the bridge.
Pigeon #106
Easton: This pigeon is hidden behind the large sculpture in the water.
Pigeon #107
Presidents City: This is hiding in some rubble under the freeway.
Pigeon #108
Fishmarket North: Head down the stairs next to the large road and climb over the first wooden fence you come to. The pigeon is hiding in here.
Pigeon #109
Fishmarket South: This one's resting at the south west side of the skate park on top of the half pipe. It's pretty difficult to see from inside the skate park without a car to stand on, so you might want to throw a grenade at it.
Pigeon #110
Liberty: Grab a helicopter from the helitours pad and fly onto the top of the bridge which will be in front of you. This pigeon is on a railing to the North of the platform on top of the bridge.
Pigeon #111
The Exchange: Perched on a steel post down an alleyway right next to the Bank of Liberty.
Pigeon #112
Fishmarket South: Sitting on a metal post which ships are tied up to just along from the helitours helipad area.
Pigeon #113
Castle Gardens: In the middle of a marble circle in a small park surrounded by roads.
Pigeon #114
Castle Gardens: Quite an annoying pigeon as you need a boat to get this one. Grab a boat then head to the large gap between the piers just past the building side. The pigeon is in the room which sticks out. Either RPG it, grenade it, or stand on a bigger boat and shoot it.
Ciara Molloy provides this tip: You can stand on top of the building and aim a grenade in, which saves you having to find a boat and drive it over.
Pigeon #115
Castle Gardens: On the top of a yellow container to the West of the building site. Climb onto the single level container, then up onto the 2nd level, then leap across and climb up onto the third level container where you'll pretty much be standing on the pigeon.
Pigeon #116
The Exchange: Perched behind some bushes next to the sidewalk.
Pigeon #117
Castle Garden City: At the bottom of a wooden ramp next to the wooden piers, facing the Statue Of Happiness.
Pigeon #118
City Hall: Perched on a railing at the top of some stairs in an alleyway just off the main road.
Pigeon #119
City Hall: Sitting on a wall around the side of the large city hall building. It's near some chairs, you can't really miss it.
Pigeon #120
Suffolk: This pigeon is on top of a tomb stone in the small cemetary, just across the road from the police station and down a short alleyway.
Pigeon #121
Suffolk: Sitting in a small garden full of trees.
Pigeon #122
The Meat Quarter: Sitting on the corner of a bus shelter, opposite the petrol station.
Pigeon #123
The Meat Quarter: Under the unfinished train tracks. Climb up some steps opposite the petrol station and you'll be able to climb up underneath the tracks where you'll find the pigeon.
Pigeon #124
The Triangle: Head to the East side of the triangle and you'll be able to climb to the rooftop through the door using the blue arrow. Once on the roof, you'll find the pigeon on a hand rail.
Pigeon #125
The Triangle: On top of the glass roof for Al Dente's Viendamente restaurant.
Pigeon #126
The Triangle: In the mouth of the large shark sign. You'll need to snipe or RPG it from across the street.
Pigeon #127
Star Junction: In a tree right outside Rimmers. There's usually a bus parked right next to the tree.
Pigeon #128
Star Junction: Under a large turntable on the wall, resting on a metal container.
Pigeon #129
This one's a pain. You'll need a helicopter for it. Fly to the top of the MeTV building, you'll know you're at the right building because there's a helipad on the rooftop, then climb down the ladder where you'll find the pigeon on a railing.
Ciara Molloy provides this tip: To avoid the need for a helicopter, on the west side of the building there is a window washer's platform that delivers you to the perfect level.
Pigeon #130
Westminster: You'll need to go all of the way back to where number 122 was for this one. Make your way to the top of the stairs, then jump onto the abandoned railway tracks and follow them along until you're nearly at the end. You'll find the pigeon next to a big pillar.
Pigeon #131
Purgatory: The generic 'perched on a wall next to some stairs in an alleyway' pigeon.
Pigeon #132
Middle Park West: Sitting next to a tree in a seating area up some steps.
Pigeon #133
Middle Park West: On the side of a building just off the motorway. It's on the side nearest the motorway.
Pigeon #134
Middle Park West: Sitting on a window ledge right next to the large museum type building facing the park. There are usually a number of cops standing around here, so prepare a getaway vehicle before you shoot the pigeon.
Pigeon #135
Varsity Heights: This one's perched on top of a concrete post right next to a no entry sign leading towards the town hall.
Pigeon #136
Varsity Heights: This one's in a small planter in a large concrete area next to a car park.
Pigeon #137
Hickey Bridge: This one's sitting on the south wall of the bridge to Alderney. Easy.
Alderney Pigeons
Pigeon #138Varsity Heights: Under the bridge on the large concrete support, on the side facing the water. I suggest you walk down to the wooden pier on the water just next to the bridge where you'll be able to snipe the pigeon easily.
Pigeon #139
Liberty: Under a wooden ramp on the Algonquin side of the river, down from the bridge.
Pigeon #140
Leftwood: Head down the freeway, and as the road starts to rise, you'll notice a blank billboard to the right. The pigeon is on the roof below the billboard.
Pigeon #141
Leftwood: On top of the roof of a building with triangular glass windows and chimneys on top. Head down the alleyway where you'll find a ladder taking you to the roof, then climb up the next ladder to find the pigeon.
Pigeon #142
Leftwood: Behind a tree, right next to the police station.
Pigeon #143
Westdyke: Sitting on an air conditioning unit on the side of a shop.
Pigeon #144
Westdyke: In the back yard of a house at the top of the hill, perched on the wall.
Pigeon #145
Westdyke: Next to a tree and behind some bushes on the dirt road leading to the abandoned mansion.
Pigeon #146
Westdyke: Under the bridge leading to the mafia's old casino.
Pigeon #147
Westdyke: Perched on top of a wooden fence behind a mansion with a swimming pool.
Pigeon #148
Westdyke: Sitting on a wall at the corner of the street.
Pigeon #149
Leftwood: This one's on the roof of the small mall outlet. Jump from the roof of a car and pull yourself up, then climb onto the highest point of the roof and you'll spot the orange glow.
Pigeon #150
Leftwood: Right in front of the hospital. Just to the side of the entrance, next to the ambulances.
Pigeon #151
Alderney City: Next to a tree just to the side of (and under) the large freeway.
Pigeon #152
Alderney City: Sitting on a wall half way up the front of Mr Fuk's Rice Box.
Pigeon #153
Alderney City: Perched on the corner of a balcony opposite Mr Fuk's.
Pigeon #154
Alderney City: Look for a large building with grass and trees on a slope in front of it. The pigeon is resting on a wall just in front of the actual building.
Pigeon #155
Alderney City: Down an alleyway, sitting on a wall right next to a container jump.
Pigeon #156
Berchem: Sitting in some bushes on a slope of dirt just off the corner of the road.
Pigeon #157
Alderney City: Hidden behind a fence next to a building with arches.
Pigeon #158
Alderney City: Sittin on the "Crime" billboard platform. Shoot an RPG at the billboard, or climb up the fire escape to the side of the building to get this one easily.
Pigeon #159
Alderney City: Sitting on the wall, just before the bridge which crosses the road below.
Pigeon #160
Alderney City: Sitting on the railing of a wall opposite an alley way.
Pigeon #161
Alderney City: Under some curbved stairs near the helipad.
Pigeon #162
Alderney City: This one's sitting on the wall next to the sign for the Booth Tunnel.
Pigeon #163
Alderney City: Hidden behind a bush outside the Globe Oil factory.
Pigeon #164
Normandy: sitting at the end of an abandoned train track behind a destroyed car.
Pigeon #165
Alderney City: Behind a large propellor from a ship, just below the "Welcome To Port Tudor" billboard.
Pigeon #166
Normandy: On an air conditioning unit on the roof of a building just down from the freeway. Climb on the roof next to the large red building, then climb on top of the red building and you'll be able to see the pigeon on the other side of the alleyway.
Pigeon #167
Port Tudor: Sitting on a metal post at the end of the pier.
Pigeon #168
Port Tudor: On top of a stack ot two blue ThriftEx containers at the end of the pier. Climb up them to find it.
Pigeon #169
Port Tudor: Sitting next to a tree just next to the abandoned train tracks.
Pigeon #170
Port Tudor: On top of the metal shutter of a building just down the street from the Pay N' Spray.
Pigeon #171
Acter: On the corner of a wall next to an alleyway opposite "Used Auto Parts".
Pigeon #172
Berchem: On top of a cabin just around the corner next to Cluckin Bell. It's inside the concrete road work barriers.
Pigeon #173
Berchem: Down the steps in front of of the 2nd house along the street if heading from South to North.
Pigeon #174
Berchem: Sitting on a window ledge on the large building just opposite across the street from the TW@ internet cafe.
Pigeon #175
Acter: This one's pretty high up on the roof of the large building with a pointy thing on top of it. You'll need a sniper rifle to take it out. If you're looking at the building from the front, it's up on the roof to the left of the pointy tower.
Pigeon #176
Acter: In the park, just opposite the fountain.
Pigeon #177
Tudor: On a wall under the freeeway, just above some large grafitti.
Tudor: Drive up the slip road to the motorway and you'll see a large crane to your right. Climb over the wall and onto the white cabin with LCPA and an anchor on the side of it, and the pigeon is just in front of the cabin, on the crane itself.
Pigeon #178
Tudor: On top of some containers, just over the side of the curved off-ramp. You'll see three round metal tanks to the right (or left if you went up the road the wrong way), and the pigeon is pretty much opposite them.
Pigeon #179
Tudor: This one's on the cliffs/rocks just next to the destroyed car.
Pigeon #180
Tudor: Drive up the slip road to the motorway and you'll see a large crane to your right. Climb over the wall and onto the white cabin with LCPA and an anchor on the side of it, and the pigeon is just in front of the cabin, on the crane itself.
Pigeon #181
Tudor: This one's found on the roof of a metal factory type building. If you head behind it you'll be able to jump onto the roof from the grass, and from there it's a simple matter of climbing over the top where you'll find the pigeon. You could always get it with a grenade from the road.
Pigeon #182
Tudor: On a metal container next to the wall across the street from the large sprunk bottle.
Pigeon #183
Tudor: Sitting on awning at the entrance to the Honkers strip club.
Pigeon #184
Tudor: This one's high up on the bottom of the bridge. It's basically just to the right of the large support pillar, right in the corner where the steel meets the concrete, but a well placed RPG will take it out easily.
Pigeon #185
Tudor: Sitting on the side of the small bridge across the river.
Pigeon #186
Acter Industrial Park: Under a tree opposite the large factory compound. Look for the three big round containers and it's on the opposite side of the road.
Pigeon #187
Acter Industrial Park: Sitting on a wall of an abandoned, and apparently half finished building covered in green plants, in the completely run-down area of the industrial park. Oh wait, it's all run-down.
Pigeon #188
Acter Industrial Park: Sitting on the concrete walkway next to the water. Just in the corner near where the wooden posts are sticking out of the water.
Pigeon #189
Acter Industrial Park: Head up the ramp onto the freeway and you'll find the pigeon sitting on a barrier just at the top of the ramp which leads down to, or up from the industrial park itself.
Pigeon #190
Acter Industrial Park: Sitting on a pipe just inside the area to the south of Alderney with lots of huge containers, pipes and tanks. Head up the blue stairs just next to the road and walk along the platform until you see it.
Pigeon #191
Acter Industrial Park: Sitting on some grass just off a path through a grassy area, next to a building and wall covered in barbed wire.
Pigeon #192
Acter Industrial Park: On top of the wall right next to number 191.
Pigeon #193
Acter Industrial Park: This one's sitting on the roof of a building just outside the prison walls. You'll find two dumpsters straight ahead from the junction on the road. Climb onto one of them and climb up to the roof where you'll find the pigeon.
Pigeon #194
Liberty: This one's on the far side of a semi-sunken ship in the water behind the prison. Swim out to it and you'll find the bird on the side of the ship's cabin.
Happiness Island Pigeons
Pigeon #195Happiness Island: On the hand of the statue, behind the book she's holding.
Pigeon #196
Happiness Island: Sitting on the left shoulder of Ms. Happiness.
Pigeon #197
Happiness Island: To the North of the statue, on a wall right below the statue itself.
Pigeon #198
Happiness Island: Perched just above the statue's forehead.
Pigeon #199
Happiness Island: On the statue's right hand, holding the cup of coffee.
Pigeon #200
Happiness Island: At the top of the cup of coffee which the statue is holding.
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