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Published by Psy


Grand Theft Auto Cheats

To enter the following cheats into the game, on the character select screen, choose your character, then edit their name. Enter any of the below as your players name to unlock the cheat. You can enter multiple different names one-by-one to enable multiple cheats.

PC Cheats

Cheat NameCheat Effect
buckfastPress * on keyboard for all weapons and full ammo
hate machine10 X Multiplier
heart of goldView Cutscenes
iamthelawNo Police
stevesmatesNo police prescence
itstantrumUnlimited Lives
6031769Unlimited Lives
satanlives99 Lives
itcouldbeyouIncrease score by 999,999,999
nineinarowUnlock all levels and cities
super wellUnlock all levels and cities
itsgallusUnlock all stages
suckmyrocketAll weapons and powerups (armour + get out of jail free card)
tourettesAll weapons
iamgarypennEnable Massive Cursing
iamnotgarypennDisable Massive Cursing
porkcharsuiDebug mode once in game. Use the numpad (2,4,6,8) to move the camera around, R to refresh the screen, F12 to restart the level, D to take a screenshot [ or L to zoom in and ] or K to zoom out, and C to display coords, damage and speed details

Playstation Cheats

Cheat NameCheat Effect
WEYHEY9,999,990 Points
TVMANUnlock San Andreas parts 1 and 2
T H E S H I TAll Cheats
CapriceAll Cities
TURFAll Cities
URGEAll Cities parts 1 and 2 except Vice City
BSTARDAll cities, infinite weapons and 99 lives
GroovyAll Weapons
MADEMANAll Weapons
PECKINPAHAll Weapons and powerups (Armour + Get out of jail free card)
BLOWMEEnable Coordinates
EXCREMENT5 X Multiplier
INGLORIOUSLevel Select with Extra Options
FECKUnlock Liberty City parts 1 and 2
CHUFFNo Police
EATTHISWanted Level Max

Game Boy Colour Cheats

Cheat NameCheat Effect
WendyAll Levels
LEVELSAll Levels
FULLInfinite Ammo

Design Team Photos
Highlight the character Kelly on the character select screen and change her name to Sumner to unlock photos of the design team.

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