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DuPz0r's Avatar Image
DuPz0r Staff
Posted (Edited)
Posted (Edited)

What game/s are you playing atm?

Me, I just Platinum'd Hogwarts Legacy, and now I'm playing TMNT: Shredders Revenge.


Edited by DuPz0r
Psy's Avatar Image
Psy Staff
Posted (Edited)
Posted (Edited)

The last console game I played was Postal 4: No Regerts which I Platinum'd a week or two ago. It's quite fun in the sense that you have the freedom to piss on people, hit off people's heads with a shovel and kick people into outer space, but it's so full of bugs and it plays like a game from the early 2000's, including about 60 seconds load time every time you move between areas. It's basically like Vice City every time you drove across the bridge to Starfish Island. For £35 I definitely wouldn't recommend it, but it's fun to mess around on.



The main game I'm playing at the minute is actually Tomb Raider Reloaded on iPhone. Been playing it since it launched on Valentines day or so. Quite addictive and took a long time to level myself up so I could beat some of the later levels but now I'm massively overpowered and can kill most things in one hit. That would usually be boring and be the end of the game for me, but given how many hours it took to get that strong, I'm still happy playing it to fill in the time when I'm on the train to work.



The only game still in my pipeline is God of War Ragnarok which I was about 70% through when I got a bit bored and played other things, so getting the Platinum on that will be my next job when I finish building forums and fansites!


Edited by Psy
DuPz0r's Avatar Image
DuPz0r Staff

GoW:R was a great game. I platinum'd that one on release, I couldnt put it down!

bOnEs's Avatar Image

recently played and beat jedi survivor... fantastic game... been chipping away at a 100% playthrough of stardew valley with my 1st character, it's quickly turned into one of my favorite games, and i'm already planning out multiple characters for the future...

DuffMan's Avatar Image

I've been obsessed with Deep Rock Galactic for months now. Super casual game but easy to add challenge if you want to. The community is positive and the developers give decent chunks of fresh content without needing to buy expansions or battle passes. It's in the Steam sale if you're interested!

Replying to DuPz0r
What game/s are you playing atm?Me, I just Platinum'd Hogwarts Legacy, and now I'm playing TMNT: Shredders Revenge.
Edited by DuPz0r

As a die-hard Potter fan, I need to go back and try to 100% it myself! I kind of burned myself out during the first week or two, after 50-60 hours.

Psy's Avatar Image
Psy Staff

I've just purchased and started re-playing Red Dead Redemption on PS4 (well, PS5). Really enjoying it. Taking my time hunting animals and collecting plants but I think it's put me in the mood to replay RDR2 when I finish. Quite a lot of the story in RDR1 makes more sense after playing RDR2.

Mercy Cortez's Avatar Image

I actually finished The Last of Us and The Last of Us part 2 recently and I'm still not recovered. I tried to play TLOU when it first came out but I didn't have the patience for it so it was satisfying finishing it so many years later. I absolutely love the 2nd game. 


I find it hard to find online games to play. I don't enjoy solo gaming as much anymore. I play Fallout 76 a fair amount but even that's gotten stale for a good year at this point. 


I miss playing online with friends. Playing 10 year old games or whatever isnt quite the same.

Dio's Avatar Image
Posted (Edited)
Posted (Edited)

I've been playing Skater XL. Made a mod for it too 

if you happen to have the game, you can download the mod here


If you liked the EA Skate series at all...this game is way better. The mod support is amazing. 


Disclaimer though, if you're not into modding, there is another game called sessions that has a bit more features out of the box. The mod community isn't there as much though.

Edited by Dio

I think so I am playing Valorant and that is a very good game.

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