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Forum Rules

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Psy's Avatar Image
Psy Staff
Posted (Edited)
Posted (Edited)

By registering, logging in to, browsing, and posting on this forum, you agree to abide by the forum rules (below). Repeated failure to follow these rules will result in posts being removed, your posting rights restricted, and eventually termination of your account. Any posts made by website staff (who have their name highlighted) represent their own personal opinions, and not those of the site, unless otherwise stated. Any objectionable posts can be reported to site staff via the report button below each post.




To keep the forum enjoyable for everyone, we have a few simple rules we like our members to stick to. They are as follows:

  • Only one account per person.
  • This is an English-speaking forum and therefore you must post in English. This also means no textspeak, posting in all capitals, etc.
  • No flaming or trolling.
  • No spamming or off-topic posting.
  • No advertising.
  • No bumping old topics - e.g. If a topic is 3 pages deep it should probably stay there.
  • No backseat moderating. Use the report button instead.
  • Mature/18+ content must be linked to and not posted directly onto the forum, and should be accompanied with NSFW (not safe for work) warning.
  • Mature/18+ or other offensive content may not be published in public forums (viewable by guests). You may post this content in non-public forums.
  • Spoilers must use spoiler tags.
  • No warez or hacking discussion including illicit modding of games.
  • No posting of any leaked footage or images. Discussion of such content is allowed however.

The Grand Theft Auto series is an 18+ rated game series so we expect you to behave like an adult. If you don't, you aren't welcome on our forums.


Breaking these rules will result in any of the following: verbal warning, written warning, temporary suspension, permanent suspension of specific privileges, or permanent ban from the forums. Actual punishment will represent the severity of the crime, and extent of previous history.


Disclaimer: The websites' moderators and administrators have the right to close or delete any thread, and impose any sanctions on any user's account at any time. The staff's decision on all matters is final.

Edited by Psy
Psy's Avatar Image
Psy Staff

This should be clear already, but any accounts which are created for the sole purpose to post spam links will have their posting privileges removed immediately and without warning. Don't waste your time ðŸ˜Ž.

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