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Opening/Home Sweet Home

Published by Psy

Opening/Home Sweet Home

Cipriani's Comeback

Toni Cipriani, acclaimed veteran of the Leone Mafia family in Liberty City, returns from his exile after killing one made man. He starts his comeback by phoning Sal (probably) on a public phone before hitching a cab up there.

New House, New People, Old Oddjobs?

You arrive at Sal's place and get greeted by Vincenzo Cilli, also known as Vinnie or "Lucky". You learn you have to work for this guy as well as working your way back up Mafia ranks. You need to take Mr. Cilli to your new safehouse just down the street. After doing so, enter the marker into your home and you get acquainted with your wardrobe. You also have a Health Icon and a save icon. You then need to take Vincenzo to his place on Atlantic Quays. He will make it clear you do as he says.

Reward - $100


You have just completed your first mission. There are changes - the Porter Tunnel in 1998 was just a Ferry Terminal and now the workers have called a strike to stop you getting into Staunton Island on one of their ships. The Callahan Bridge is currently constructed, and as usual the subways are closed.
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